I was raised an NC State fan, but this is why I chose UNC

This ‘rivalry’ isn’t like the one with the school down the road, but it means something

A little over a year ago, I found out I had just been accepted to my dream school, UNC. There was no better feeling in the world. But the funny thing is, six months before that, I didn’t know Carolina would be my dream school.

As a confused teenager, I had no idea what the hell I wanted to do with my life. I was jumping back and forth between Nursing and Journalism. I debated joining a “help cats get rescued” program, but my parents wouldn’t let me live at home.

But out of all the confusion, one thing was for sure. I was a huge fan of North Carolina State University.

Those of you who know me now may think: “Wait, are you kidding?” I’m really not – I was born and raised a fan of NCSU. My mom and a lot of her cousins went to State, most of my friend’s parents went to State and the majority of my friends cheered for them. So yeah, I was naturally a State fan, too.

But I wasn’t just a fan, I was a hardcore State fan – the type that annoys Carolina students to their core. I was that person. I went to most of the football and basketball games and I loved being in Raleigh more than anything.

So, why the sudden switch? It’s simple – I visited Carolina. It was the summer before my senior year of high school and I was still the completely confused teenager. My friend, who is now my roommate, thought it would be fun to tour UNC. So I went with her to visit campus.

And I’ve never been so thankful in my life.

Everything about the campus felt like home. It was the weirdest, most rewarding feeling. I learned more about the programs offered and the countless study aboard opportunities. I heard about the history of the campus and the traditions that come with it.

The more I saw of UNC, the more I fell in love with it. I’ve never heard people more proud of their education and college career than when I spoke to students here. I remember thinking, “this is exactly where I want to be.”

It’s safe to say the best day of my life was the day I received my acceptance letter to Carolina. It’s also safe to say I  back UNC academics and athletics 100%. From the day I arrived here, everything in me and around me was Carolina blue.

Just because I was raised an NC State fan doesn’t mean I’m a fake Carolina fan by any means. Nothing makes me more upset than Duke and nothing makes me smile more than seeing strangers in Carolina t-shirts. I love walking through the Pit getting free candy from strangers (sorry mom) and walking by the Old Well on a sunny day.

A shameless plug to go to YOPO

Nothing feels better than singing Hark the Sound in the Dean Dome and Kenan Stadium. And nothing makes more sense than UNC.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: “Chapel Hill: a place that will get in your blood and stay forever.” I can attest to that. Carolina is and always will be the best place in the world to me.
