Thanksgiving break should definitely be longer

We’d like to avoid dining hall pizza for more than just three days

OK, does UNC really think three days off is enough time for us to catch up with our loved ones?

Thanksgiving break is a time for food, family and friends. As I write this from the comfort of my own bed at home, I can honestly say Thanksgiving break should be at least one week.

Think about it. One week gives us the opportunity to have home-cooked meals. Or at least non-dining hall food, which is a true blessing. Dining hall food is clearly hit or miss, but home-cooked food is generally consistent. At least you know what to expect with grandma Jill’s potato salad. Fried chicken in the dining hall will either have you jumping for joy or rushing to grab a slice of pizza.

Dining hall food, you will not be missed.

Making Thanksgiving break a week longer would also help transportation issues. Leaving on a weekend would be more feasible for students who rely on parents to come pick them up.

Having to vacate dorms by 10am on Wednesday can make it difficult for students to leave. It’s the middle of the week and in some cases, parents don’t get off work until much later in the day.

Sure, carpooling is a viable option, just like busing, taking the train, or maybe even taking a flight. But the three latter options can be pricey, especially with it being the holiday season. We’re already shelling out thousands to attend UNC, so we shouldn’t have to shell out more to go home.

It’s common for students to leave campus early and miss classes in order to go home. If break was a full week, there wouldn’t really be a need for students to skip class.

I mean, unless you really hate that biology lecture – then just go for it. But don’t tell your mom I said so.

Most importantly, a week out of school will give you the chance to take cute snapchat selfies with your fam.

While we only have a few days left of break, enjoy the food and laughter that will hopefully hold you through until the end of finals.

Stay warm, Heels.
