Every type of person you’ll run into on your walk to class

Can you not stop me for an hour long chat? I have places to be

Regardless of where you go to school, walking to class is generally the same. You’ll walk with friends or by yourself and listen to music.

You come across tons of people who are doing the same… However, you’ll notice each person represents a different brand or persona, and it makes your journey much more interesting to say the least.

Here are some examples of people you will always find on your way to class.

The ‘I Know You…Kinda’

This person always creates for a relatively awkward situation. It’s that person that you know by face, but have never formally met, leaving you in a major grey area.

It’s probably a mutual friend of a friend, someone who used to live in your dorm, or maybe an old classmate. As a result of a lack of formal introduction, this interaction is usually left empty.

Typically, eye contact is made, but a noticed signal generally does not follow. You’ll both keep saying to yourselves, “Yeah I know that person but we’ve kind of maintained this relationship of not acknowledging each other, so that’s what’s gonna keep happening.”

The Chatter

The walk to class is a task. You have to get yourself to a certain building, by a certain time, in order to make it to said class on time. The Chatter will always throw a wrench into these plans.

Normally if you see a friend on your walk, you understand you both have places to be, and a friendly wave or quick hello will follow.

The Chatter has no regard for this line of thinking. They will stop you dead in your tracks, in the middle of the sea of walking bodies and try to have a full-fledged conversation with you. You really appreciate the chatter’s friendship, and eagerness to be friendly, but it’s just not the time nor place.

Sorry chatter, I got places to be.

The Hookup

I think it’s safe to say the hookup accounts for the most awkward possible walking to class interaction imaginable. If you go to a school on the larger side, hookups are generally done with the mindset that there is a good chance you won’t see each other again.

And then, low and behold, you find yourself walking towards them on your way to class. You naturally think to yourself, “Hey, there’s that person I did stuff with that one time, but didn’t really want to see again.”

Both parties are generally left confused as to how the encounter should be approached. Do I wave? Do I do that thing where I look at my phone so I wont see them? Honestly, there’s no definitive method of attacking the hookup encounter, it’s definitely a judgment call. Good luck.

The Kid from Freshman Year

When you first get to college, your initial reaction is to be friends with everybody. You meet a ton of people and figure out who are going to be your close friends and who will not.

Naturally, you’ll meet some people you just weren’t met to be friends with. While you won’t hang out with this person, you’re bound to see them around campus at some point, and the encounter never gets less awkward.

You’ll see them and think “I’ve known you for a while, but we mutually decided internally that we were probably never gonna be friends.” Usually this calls for a subtle head nod, or a measly wave, nothing more, nothing less.

The ‘On the Same Page’

This person, or people, calls for the most enjoyable and fluid encounter on your walk to class. You’ll be on your way, and notice a close friend coming from the opposite direction, and you know immediately what you’re in store for.

Nothing beats a friendly wave and smile, a crisp high five or a smooth dap. Both people are just firing on all cylinders and there’s no awkward tension or uncomfortable moments. Just two pals acknowledging their friendship and going on their way.

This type of friend is very much appreciated. Take notes, Chatter.

UMass Amherst