Thoughts UMass students have every day

To go to class, or to stay in bed?

UMass is beautiful, UMass is fun, but UMass is also extremely big and not to mention hectic at all times. If these are things you think to yourself everyday, you are for sure a UMass student.

Do I really have to walk to class right now?

Seeing as almost every class is at least a 10-15 minute walk, no matter where you live, it’s a chore.

I don’t know what to eat for dinner…

“Too many options…guess this will do.”

Even with an award winning dining hall we still choose to occasionally eat cereal for dinner.

All the showers are taken, guess I’ll use the tub

Admit it, you have used the tub at least once in your dorm days, and no, it wasn’t fun.

First the immense amount of UMass squirrels, now the ducks , WHERE do they come from?!

Bonus points if you refer to the ducks as “water chickens”.

I want to sleep…but I have homework…but I am so tired…

An all-nighter it is!

Good, still only two working washers and dryers!

That out of order sign is just what you want to see during the ONE time of week that you can possibly get your laundry done.

Oh my God. I have to take a picture of the sunset.

There’s no shame in this one, UMass sunsets never fail to amaze us. So go ahead, take that picture and put it in your Snap Story.

I can’t wait for Friday

Because who really can after a week of walking mile after mile to class and spending hour on hours on homework?

UMass Amherst