What to get every single person in your life for Christmas

You’re welcome

It’s likely that you’re just now starting to shop for presents, but the semester has taken its toll. You’re out of ideas. You’re basically poor. You’ve got little to no time. Have no fear . . . I’ve got you covered. Here are some gift suggestions for the people in your life who deserve the world (but will have to settle for a little less).

Your best friends from home 

They’ve put up with your shenanigans for years now, but they’re also in college and understand how quickly money goes when you can order wings or Chinese food every night. Plan on skipping the gifts and doing a nice dinner out after the holiday craze dies down. If you want to be even more proactive, put a gift card to a nice restaurant on your Christmas list. However, if your budget is too tight for anything better than a nice sit-down dinner at McDonald’s, plan on just eating ice cream and binge-watching the Gilmore Girls revival (again).

Your roommate

This one is really up to the gift-giver. Drop a subtle hint by giving your roommate trash bags and an air freshener, if you were two steps away from calling TLC’s Hoarders all semester. If you’re on better terms with your roomie, splurge on some alcohol for the two of you to share during spring syllabus week (the best gifts are the ones you technically give yourself).

Your siblings

Try to get some sympathy from your parents by telling them how busy you’ve been “studying for finals,” and that you really haven’t had the time to get Jenny a present even though she obviously deserves one. Proceed to let your mom hit up Bath and Body Works for your various siblings. If you’re feeling extra generous, tell your sibling what you did so they can utilize Mom’s golden heart, too.

That Tinder guy you hooked up with once and now see everywhere 

Sure, he’s nice enough, but he’s texted you twice every day since the night he took you out to Chipotle for a “romantic” dinner. What’s important here is that you don’t get him any sort of present, but also, remember not to accept any gifts from him. Time to cut this one off.

Your grandparents

Whether they’re old and bitter about it or adorably baking cookies every Sunday afternoon, they deserve some effort. Chance is, your grandmother is the one funding some of your winter break adventures. Shout out to her for slipping you twenty’s for visiting her during break. Grandparents are generally simple people who would appreciate the chance to brag about you; grab a few college car decals from the bookstore. It’s the gift that lets them brag about you, too. If you’ve got a few extra bucks, get them a mug for their black decaf coffee.

Your significant other

If you’re lucky enough to be saved from the labyrinth that is Tinder because you already have someone, make sure they know how grateful you are for them. The gift for your beau depends on a number of things, such as how long you two have been together. Your safest bet is to get them one of those gifts that give you something, too. Think of doing a night out to the movies or a nice restaurant. If you’ve spent all of your money on midnight coffee runs, though, just go with a good ol’ coupon book (suggested coupons include free kisses, back rubs or more R-rated pastimes).

Your parents

Last, but certainly not least, are the parental units who make most of your time at school possible. Your parents probably know how poor you are, but you need to get them something or they’ll use it as an opportunity to start talking about who’s hiring during Christmas dinner. Go with a sentimental letter or get a family photo framed for their desk. Bonus points if Mom tears up.

University of Delaware