Everyone you’ll meet during your time at UCSB

From Freebirds to Woodstocks, Gio’s to Sands beach, you’ll see them everywhere

The Transfer

You see these men and women lurking everywhere on campus. Coming from a CC or transferring from a different university, the Transfers finally decided to live the good life and come to UCSB. I don’t know whether to call these guys first years or third years, but in general, they are all pretty chill and work their asses off (or not).

The one kid in class who raises his/her hand to answer every fucking question the professor asks

We know you know your shit, we know, but you don’t have to answer every damn question that is posed in lecture. These kids take goody two shoes to another level and enjoy overshadowing and showing off their “skills”. Put your hand down, let some other people answer questions, and take the opportunity to learn something from other classmates.

The Greek freak

You will see the Greek Freaks roaming around the fourth floor of the library rocking their letters as if it is a fraternity conference. Beers. Parties. Rush. Frats. Sororities. Uhhhh and beer, are the main essentials for the Greeks. This is a very generalized view, most Greeks I have met at UCSB are actually really good people who get their school work done and like to party with their brothers and sisters, but yeah…..beer, fourth floor, and Lululemon.

The “I wanted to go to Med School or Wall Street Until O-Chem and Econ 10A” kids

Every time you introduce yourself to a new person you ask “What is your Major?” and nine times out of ten you get either “Bio” or “Econ”. Freshman bio majors are hopeful to get into med school and finally fulfilling their medical dreams until……….O-Chem. O-Chem hits a lot of these kids like a brick wall. For the econ hopefuls, well, there is 10A. Econ 10A for some is like swimming in a pool with 100 sharks hungry for you dreams. P.S. If you study, they aren’t that bad.

The international student

You can catch some of these students speeding around in their R8’s while rocking those Armani’s . Other international students may be seen enjoying the IV nightlife or getting involved in the American culture. Either way, there is a lot of ’em.

The Braaah

Skating around campus and surfing everyday out in beautiful Santa Barbara, you catch the Braaahs chilling over at sands cracking  a beer and shooting the hang loose hand to everyone.

The one kid who parties everyday but still gets good grades aka the academic partier 

These creatures are common at UCSB. The academic partier is a special breed who seems to party every single day but still gets great grades. You find these kids at daygers from 11-5 then rolling to the library drunk as hell and somehow manages to do all their work.

The library dweller

Lib is life. Lib is friend. Lib is rad. Check these kids out at one of those cubicles on the 8th floor of the library, they enjoy loud noises and group projects.

The kid who fights with professors and TA’s about the class material and tests. 

We have all heard this kid firing questions at the professor as if they are going to outsmart them. Bro, chill. The thing about these kids is that they usually don’t work that hard , they just enjoy whining about how hard a class is, like dude it is hard, get over it and get to work. “Step your game up” -Jon Sonstelie (Inside joke for all the Econ 10A winter 2016 students)

The over-involved one

The kid on your Facebook who invites you to an “AS Program board presents….” event every week. You will also see the same kid working as an RA, being a school senator, doing community service in IV, writing for the Daily Nexus, and of course, working the front desk of something.

The “Gains” kid 

GYM. The only word in this kids vocabulary. You usually see the Gainers around the rec cen or cruising around campus with their shaker bottle and a tank top/athletic gear. They like protein and protein. They also enjoy protein.

These are just 10 people you meet at UCSB. Santa Barbara presents a very diverse world so comment if you think their are some other cheesy stereotypes out there.


UC Santa Barbara