Berkeley had second-lowest Trump vote in the nation

Hillary: 90.4%; Trump: 3.2%

According to an article published in the Berkeley Daily Planet, the city of Berkeley had the second-lowest Trump vote in the nation – right behind Detroit, Michigan with 95.0% of votes for Hillary and 3.1% for Trump.

Clinton racked up a total of 57,750 votes (90.45), Jill Stein had 2,947 votes (4.6%), and Trump votes totaled 2,031 (3.2%).

Trump’s results are the worst to date for a Republican presidential candidate in Berkeley. In the past few elections, Mitt Romney achieved 4.6% of the vote in 2012, and John McCain had 4.9% in 2008, and George Bush won 6.6% in 2004.

Washington D.C. came in third behind Berkeley with just 4.6% of votes for Donald Trump.

Following the live election broadcast at Sproul Plaza on the UC Berkeley campus, protests broke out in the streets as thousands of Berkeley residents learned of Trump’s win.

UC Berkeley