The best tweets about the reality of summer classes

Take summer classes, they said

Summer break during college could mean many different things for students. For some, it’s studying abroad or traveling with family or friends. For others, it’s constantly working to get back all the money you spent on food during the school year. There are also those of us who continue the college excitement by taking summer courses.

Sure, summer courses seem like a great idea: the class may be a little easier, you could finish your major course requirements early, and maybe you get to spend more time with your college friends. That isn’t always the reality, though. Some of us are still trying to recover from the lack of motivation we had during finals week.

We’ve compiled some of the best tweets about continuing your course work throughout the summer from students who look at this both positively, and negatively.

From the students who are happy about taking summer courses…

…and those struggling with summer courses…

…and from those balancing more than summer classes on their plates

Good luck, and enjoy your summer!

Temple University