See how low Trump’s support is in your Philadelphia neighborhood

He thinks the election will be rigged

In his most recent baseless claim, Donald Trump asserted the 2016 election will be rigged. During an August campaign rally, Trump claimed the only way he could lose in Pennsylvania is if there was a scheme to cheat him out of the presidency.

Trump’s proof is derived from Mitt Romney’s abysmal vote count in 2012 — where Romney received zero votes in 59 voting divisions across Philadelphia. Because of this, the Trump campaign believes Philadelphia is a key area where voter fraud could occur, despite the fact the Philadelphia is a city with overwhelming Democrat support.

So I took it upon myself to see how badly Trump did in my neighborhood in Philadelphia. With these website links you can see how badly he did in your Philadelphia neighborhood too. I live in Germantown, a predominantly Black neighborhood in northwest Philadelphia – a demographic Trump polls horribly with, but surely some people voted for Trump, right? No.

Zero votes were cast for any Republican in my voter division during Pennsylvania’s primary this year

I first went to and typed in my address to find out my voter ward and division. Then I went to the election results section of the website to look at how many primary votes were cast for Republicans in general. The grand total? Zero votes cast for any Republican running in the 2016 Pennsylvania primary.

Significantly more people voted in the Democratic Primary in my voter division

How many votes were cast for Mitt Romney in 2012? A grand total of three, compared to Obama’s 399.

Republican popularity in my voter division is almost as low as Jill Stein’s support

It’s definitely something worth looking at yourself. You can see exactly how many people voted in your voter division, which encompassed less than 10 blocks around my house. Small numbers but telling of the grassroots support each party enjoys.

The election won’t be rigged. Trump didn’t beat anyone during the Republican primary in my voter division because no Republicans came out to vote. Currently, according to Real Clear Politics, Hillary Clinton is beating Trump 46.8 percent to 40 percent respectively across the Keystone State. Not only is Trump doing horribly in Pennsylvania, but he couldn’t muster up the support to receive one primary vote in my division.

There is no voter fraud, Donald Trump is just extremely unpopular in Philadelphia and for good reason. Check out the results in your own voter division for yourself.

Temple University