Survival tips for finals week

Avoid the procrastination

Two word horror story? FINALS WEEK.

Yes, although it may still seem like the semester started yesterday and that you do not know anything going on in any of your classes, finals week is quickly approaching. For some, this week may mean 3 mental breakdowns, 100 cups of Starbucks and bags under your eyes for days. For others, the ones who follow these simple study tips, finals week will become a week filled with productivity, color-coordinated study guides/schedules and most importantly, NO STRESS. By taking even one of these study tips and incorporating it into your study routine, you are already on your way to finals week success. Plus, if you’re reading this anytime before finals week starts, you’re already ahead of the game! These are seven survival tips to help you make it through finals week:

Make flashcards and study guides early

“You want me to… WHAT? Make flashcards NOW for an exam I have 3 weeks from today?” I know it may sound silly to write flashcards and create study guides for an exam that seems weeks away but this is one of the easiest and less-time consuming study habits that you should start now, before the night before the exam is upon you. By doing so, you allow yourself a sufficient amount of time to learn the tons and tons of material covered on your final (without cramming!). Writing out each flashcard and organizing a visually-appealing study guide can actually help you learn the material indirectly without you even realizing you’re studying! After you organize all your study materials, study them all for a half hour to  forty-five minutes each night. In the moment, it will not feel like you are learning anything but over a couple of weeks, you will realize that you actually learned the material much easier than if you had only studied the night before.

Organize a study group (and have their numbers on speed-dial!)

Even if some of us love to study by ourselves, creating a study group and meeting once or twice a week can really make a difference when finals week comes around. Study groups are extremely helpful because they give you access to other students just like you who may be struggling with the exact same concepts. By meeting each week, you can ask questions you may have and hopefully answer some from others. Trust me, having a couple of numbers you can text or call the night before the exam just to calm your nerves or ask one final last minute question is a true lifesaver. Plus, study buddies have the potential to become your true BFF’s!

Stick to a study schedule

A study schedule has always helped me in the past during stressful exam and homework weeks. By creating a strict schedule that tells you what to study and for how long each day, you allow yourself time to be productive as well as time to do whatever your heart desires (nap, obviously). Do not force yourself to study every night because that is simply not realistic. Instead, set aside 3 to 4 days in the week that will be designated study days. Maybe you’ll study international relations and psychology for 30 minutes on Mondays and Wednesdays and you’ll study biology for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays. How long you study for and what days you study are completely up to you so take the time to design a schedule that completely fits your study needs. Then by the time Friday or Saturday night comes around and there’s news of a killer party on campus, you won’t feel guilty about studying because you’ll know you already put in enough effort throughout the week.Create an inspirational study spac

Having a specific study space of your own is a finals week essential. There’s just something about being in a quiet and organized environment that just helps me stay focused and on track. For me, I designated my desk in my dorm room as my study space. When I’m there, I am surrounded by all the tools I need such as highlighters, flashcards and my textbooks to keep me focused. I am also surrounded by important reminders and inspirational quotes that simply make me feel good. By creating a space I am happy with, it helps me to want to go study instead of dreading it. Creating a study space is easy! You could use your desk like me or opt for your bed surrounded by comfy blankets, pillows and your favorite twinkle lights. Whatever place you choose to study, make it a point to study there most of the time and you’ll eventually love to study in such a inspirational space.

Follow the 50 minutes ON- 10 minutes OFF rule

When you hear your time go off, immediately stop what you are doing and give yourself a much needed break!

50 minutes of straight productivity/ work and a 10 minute break. Whenever you do your homework or study for an important exam, follow this rule to increase productivity without frying your brain. We’ve all been at that point in the night where we’ve been studying for 3 hours and have to read the same sentence over and over and over again because we simply cannot pay attention for a second longer.  In the first 50 minutes, make sure your phone is on ‘do not disturb’ and even block your favorite social media websites on your laptop if you have to. This rule helps you to stay productive and it gives you time to take a small break where you can stretch, grab a snack, watch a youtube video and not think about school work, even if its only for 10 minutes.

Take advantage of office hours 

Office hours are put in place to help you! Although it may seem scary to walk into your professor’s office (especially if you have never met with them one-on-one before) and ask them questions about the material, it is actually the complete opposite. The entire purpose of office hours is to give you a specific time and place where you can meet individually with your professor (who knows way more than your do) and ask as many questions as you want. Professors are not out to get you, they do not want to see you fail. If you have questions, go to their office hours and get clarification! You’ll be happy you did and you’ll feel much more confident when the exam finally comes around.

Listen to a productive playlist 

Listening to music while studying may not help everyone but for some, it can really help to make studying more fun and as a result, more productive. Try creating your own playlist with all the instrumental versions of your favorite songs or search chill/study playlists on Spotify, Pandora or 8 Tracks (my favorite!). Playlists really have the power to add good vibes throughout your study space and have always helped me in the past. If music is not your thing and you just can’t seem to focus with it on, try studying with a pair of headphones in your ears (with nothing playing) or noise-canceling ear plugs to block out even the loudest of neighbors.

Although finals may seem like a stressful week filled with late night cramming and tons of extra-caffeinated coffee, it does not have to be this way. By following these simple tips, you can easily change your study routine that will promote both productivity and in the long run, higher exam grades! But if you do not take any tips away from this article, remember to remind yourself that exams, although important, do not define your entire college experience or your entire life. One bad exam grade is simply just one bad exam grade. Remember that and you’ll be done stressing over finals before the week even starts.

Syracuse University