Syracuse and ESF march to dump Trump

‘Dump racism, dump Trump, dump transphobia, white supremacy, dump borders’

One of the many Donald Trump protests today was a combined SU/ESF protest led by Former SA President Ayesha Seedat and Katie Oran, an ESF student and Daily Orange writer.

When The Tab arrived about 10 minutes before the march was due to start, only seven people were present, and it looked like the protest might not even happen.

More students trickled in though, with signs saying things like “Mr Hate, Leave My State” and “Dump racism, dump trump, dump transphobia, white supremacy, dump borders.”

The group which grew to be about 35 students at the end was watched by Officer Shanley, known around campus as Officer Friendly, and his partner, Officer Bob.

When the group had grown to about 35 students, and it appeared no more were coming, unless they had accidentally gotten caught up in the many high school campus tours, Ayesha told Officer Friendly the group was going to head out soon, and what the group’s route to the Oncenter would be.

Officer Friendly came and broke down for the protesters what they could expect at the rally, making sure to tell us that both he and Officer Bob would be joining, and that they would “keep an eye on [us] as best we can so incase there’s some type of incident where your security or something else is jeopardized, we’ll do our best to step in and get whatever help we need. We’re really here to help you.”

When Officer Friendly finished, Ayesha and Katie spoke to the group, letting everyone know that they had the numbers of pro-bono legal aids, that there would be professional de-escalators at the event, and that Katie had water, snacks and a first aid kit.

With that, the group peacefully began their march to the Oncenter to face Donald Trump.

More news will come as we hear of it.

Syracuse University