The only hacks you’ll need to survive college

You don’t have to pay a million bucks to look like a million bucks

If you’re like me, the most walking you did during break was from the couch to the kitchen, while giving zero fucks about your appearance. Right?

Sadly, it’s time to go back to school and while appearance won’t  mean much during this face-biting weather, I have some tricks that will keep you looking decent underneath all those layers, while only using what you’ve got.

Iron your clothes with a hair straightener

Did someone say career fair? It’s only a few weeks away which means it’s time to straighten that wrinkly shirt that’s been sitting in the back of your closet. Boys, don’t be afraid to borrow your neighbor’s straightener, it’s a great substitute for a regular iron , and requires a lot less work.

Release the grease with baby powder

If you’ve ever woken up after a party only to see stains all over your favorite shirt, you’ve probably wanted to cry a little. Sprinkle a little baby powder on the stain and let it dry for at least 30 minutes, then wash it.

Now you won’t have to worry about stains every time you remove your puffy jacket. Baby powder also works for greasy hair (but don’t let this be your new “shower”)

Pour a beer on your head

Your hair deserves a nice cold one. During the cold weather, you may notice your hair drying out. Beer is great for repairing shine and keeping your scalp healthy (something to do with proteins), just pour a beer over your hair, massage your scalp and rinse it off!

Put your jeans in the freezer

Every time I wash my clothes, I hesitate to wash my jeans. I tell myself they won’t be the same, either “too tight or faded AF.”

After I heard that putting jeans in the freezer gets rid of smells, my heart skipped a beat. Just put them in the freezer over night and the next day , they’ll smell cleaner.  At some point, DO wash your jeans please.

Use a belt to stiffen’ up

Guys, remember those old wrinkly shirts I mentioned earlier? One way that you can keep the collar stiff is with a rolled up belt. Go ahead, impress your future coworkers.

Fill you boots with magazines

Your boots have never looked so BOOT-iful.

Before winter came, my boots looked sad – the long neck drooping over with frown-like creases formed down the sides. Magazines are a game changer. To keep the shape of your boots, fold the magazines hot dog style and stick them in your boots.

You and your shoes will be happy.

Warm up your laptop

Laptops get cold too. If you need a makeshift laptop case this winter, an old hoodie works great.

Step 1: Place laptop in the upper region of hoodie

Step 2: Fold the botton section over the laptop

Step 3: Fold the hood over and tuck it on the two bottom edges of the laptop

Step 4: Tie the sleeves together in whichever way you like


We’re all a little lazy, which is why these tricks are sooo necessary for every college student, especially during this harsh winter when nothing matters more than staying warm.

Stay warm, stay stylish, but keep on showerin’.

Syracuse University