If Elle Woods can make it into law school, you can survive this semester

Stop trying to put your GPA up for adoption

We did it. We survived the fall semester.

Admittedly there were many close calls and many papers turned in with just seconds to spare, but we made it all the same. Now, if only there was a way we could make it through the spring semester in one piece?

Oh wait. There is.

Channel your inner nerd

Buy new notebooks. Buy highlighters. Get fancy pens. Organize yo shit.

If your professors post their syllabi on Blackboard, they’re expecting you to bring it to class. Print it, bring it, look good. Write down deadlines and due dates somewhere. It doesn’t have to be a planner, it can be a monthly calendar or a post it note or just somewhere in your phone.

But don’t let yourself get blindsided by tests and assignments. If you know when you need to finish things or study, you don’t have to walk around under a cloud of stress. Instead, you can strut around like you own the campus.

Take classes you enjoy

When you enjoy them, classes are…less awful?

Chat up your professors

Well, not exactly. Just talk to them.

Ask them questions, or answer questions that the professor asks in class. If you’re having trouble with an assignment, talk to your TA or professor about it. Often you won’t be the only one with the problem, just the only one to ask for help. If the professor or a TA offers to look over an assignment, take advantage of it even if it means that you have to work on the assignment earlier than you were planning to.

Not only will it make you look like a good student, you’ll get feedback that will help you do even better on the assignment.

Get really sweaty

Sweat is great. It gets all of last night’s booze out of your system, and produces endorphins. The best part about endorphins?

Endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t kill people. Or fantasize about their professors being fired as we all do occasionally. So every so often, go out and get sweaty, stinky, and all around gross, in somewhere other than a frat basement (the gym maybe?). It’ll be good for you.

Treat yo’self 2016

Once a month, or even once a week, set aside a day for yourself where you can just relax.

Go out for a mani-pedi. Have a movie night with your friends. Play around with your make up. Do a face mask. Take an hour long shower. Color. Stay in bed all day. Do whatever you need to recharge and survive until your next treat day.

Just do your best

Sure, All A’s and a 4.0 are great. But don’t run yourself to the ground over it. Just be proud of the assignments you turn in.

Whatever grade you get is just the grade you get. If you felt that it was your best effort, then that is all that should matter. School and good grades are not the end-all, be-all of your life, so don’t let them be.

Now channel Elle Woods and raise the tiny child that is your GPA. 

Syracuse University