YouTuber Laci Green shows Rutgers how to have the ‘best sex ever’

The first picture she showed was literally a vagina

On Wednesday YouTube vlogger, activist, and sex educator Laci Green came to Rutgers to talk to students about sex in partnership with the Rutgers Office of Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance and Health Services H.O.P.E. as part of the university’s Sexual Violence Awareness Campaign.

Needless to say, this wasn’t your mother’s sex ed class. Using a Prezi to illustrate her points, the first picture she showed was literally a vagina (or more accurately, a vulva). Straight up, it was a photo of a woman’s legs spread to reveal the ladyparts usually kept hidden.

Laci went into the kind of detail about your body that you most likely didn’t get in health class back in high school. Which makes sense, considering she graduated from UC Berkeley with honors after studying legal studies and education, and even taught a course on female sexuality while she was there.

She talked about the parts of your genitals that you should know about and focus on to make for some great sex and debunked some of the myths and negative attitudes about them perpetuated by society, such as those on masturbation. And of course, she showed how to keep it safe by demonstrating how to prevent yourself from getting STIs and reminded students to always get yourself tested no matter how safe you think you’re being.  Above all, she emphasized that you shouldn’t let what society says about sex hold you back from getting the best pleasure you can get.

An attendee demonstrates how to properly put on a condom

Towards the end of her talk, Laci discussed what makes the best sex: consent and communication from both (or more, “I don’t judge,” she said) partners. On a more serious note, she talked about how lack of both can lead to gray areas, and gray areas can lead to things like sexual assault, regardless of gender.

“When you can talk to your partner about these things, it makes it easier to see what both of you like and gets confusion out of the way,” she said. “It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable to talk about, but it’s so important.”

She closed her show off with this message: “Once you know your body and know what’s wrong and what’s right for you, that’s when you get the best sex ever”.

Rutgers University