From Beverly Hills to New Brunswick: How LA prepared me for life at Rutgers

I’m fucking cold all the time

I’ll be honest. I was a spoiled little shit back in LA. I went to the beach regularly in February, and attended mansion parties before I got my high school diploma. Every time someone from RU asks where I’m from, and I follow up with “California,” the same exchange happens:

“No way? You’re from Cali?”


“Why the hell did you come here?”

I’ll get this out of the way now. First of all, no one from California calls it Cali. Secondly, Rutgers is a phenomenal school with an insanely good reputation on the west coast. I can’t say that I love New Brunswick, but I do love Rutgers and it’s definitely a “you can’t have one without the other” type of deal. Long story short – I applied because my mom told me to, and after I was accepted, I decided a change of scenery would be good for both me, and my future memoir. Here’s what happened when I came here in a not-so-chronological order.

I’m fucking cold all the time

I had never bought rain/snow attire before moving here. I still call the north face coats “puffy jackets.” My whole wardrobe had to change in ways I had never imagined. My first year here was apparently the “coldest winter ever”, and that was my first time wearing pants underneath my pants. On a positive note, I will say that it was exciting to buy cute winter clothes.

My dog needing a hat b/c it’s so hot in LA

Fat sandwiches to Rutgers are what juice cleanses are to Los Angeles

One of the first things I noticed in the dining halls was what people ate. Carbs on carbs on carbs. People were mixing pasta with pancakes topped with ice cream, and every form of high fructose corn syrup you could come up with. Whereas in Los Angeles, everyone is constantly on a diet or the infamous “juice cleanse” where you just drink shitty juice and don’t eat for three days. I have definitely had my fair share of pizza and fat sandwiches during my time here.


I’m sure I probably just don’t know about the hiking spots that might exist in NJ, but hiking isn’t much of a thing here. Hiking is a popular Sunday morning or pretend exercise activity back home (and I love it). Then again, to us, hiking means strolling up a mountain at your own pace with a latte in one hand and a hangover in the other.

Wawa is pretty cool

The convenience stores in LA range from CVS to 711, but don’t have as many choices as Wawa has. Wawa is kind of like if a grocery store and a sandwich place had a delicious baby.

Less of an interest in entertainment

Since we’re all in college, it’s common to talk about your future aspirations. Generally, there are a lot more ‘actors’ and people who want to get involved in entertainment in LA, which make sense since it’s one of the entertainment capitols of the world. At Rutgers, I meet a lot more pre-med, pre-business and other majors.

‘Idk I guess we’re hooking up or whatever’

Everyone I meet here has been in a relationship for at least 57 years and plans on marrying their partner. In sharp contrast, people in LA live and breathe Tinder, casual hookups and never being clear on what kind of relationship they’re in. The more obscure, the better.

The people

In general, the fashion/outfits here are very different. There’s a lot of leopard print happening here, which is fine if that’s what you’re into, but just know that Joan Rivers is laughing at you from heaven. Aside from that, people are much more blunt and straight to the point here.

Fuck Dunkin’ Donuts

Dunkin’ Donuts’ coffee sucks. Donuts aren’t that great of a dessert. Starbucks wins. Sorry.

Rutgers University