Things you only know if you have ultra dry hair

Dry hair don’t care

You know that annoying, dry feeling your hair has when you straighten it without any product or proper drying? Well, if you’re anything like me, that’s how your hair is all the time. It could be from abusing heating tools, from coloring your hair or it could just be how you hair is naturally. Whatever the reason, it sucks and is super annoying to deal with.

From treatments to days without showering, there are a few things you know if your hair is dryer than the Sahara Desert.

Heat tools are the devil

Sure, it’s fun to get your hair done every once in a while, but using those tools too often is going to cause a giant mess of damaged hair on your head. Not to mention the insane amount of split ends you’ll have from pushing your hair down with heat.

You cannot shampoo every day

In fact, you shouldn’t even condition every day. Experts say that you shouldn’t shampoo on the daily unless you have an oily scalp, because abuse of shampoo can cause the scalp to dry and therefore cause dandruff. Let those natural oils simmer. Your hair will thank you when it’s not getting the moisture sucked out of it every day.

You can also go days without using shampoo and no one will notice.

Adding extra oil is a good idea

It’s not only healthy to let your hair naturally oil itself, but sometimes it just needs an extra boost. Spraying your brush with oil before brushing is something only girls with ultra dry hair think to do. It’s like a quick steam out for your hair!

You probably need to use masks after you shower

Ah yes, the ridiculously expensive products you’ll need. If you didn’t already know, hair is most susceptible to breakage when wet. I usually don’t brush until it’s dry or I use a mask to protect it when wet. Sure, it feels good to brush it when its wet because you can style it easily, but you can damage it just as easily.

Not just any shampoo or product will do

Sulfates are completely off-limits to dry hair. They will destroy it. You probably have to purchase a moisturising shampoo and it’s probably way too expensive. My stylist recommends Kérastase for dry hair, which can set you back up to $50, which might make you think to yourself, “why even bother?”

Water is your best friend

If you have dry hair, you most likely inhale water like a frat boy inhales beer. You NEED to hydrate your body double-time to keep your hair healthy. You also probably visit the bathroom way too often for your own comfort, but it’s all in the name of healthy hair!

Kitchen materials are all your hair really needs

Avocado, coconut oil, honey and eggs, to name a few. It may seem ridiculous, but many of the foods we eat actually contain the proper nutrients to keep our hair healthy. For example, the oils in avocado are very similar to our skins natural oils. Similarly, egg yoke is a great moisturiser. Just remember to skip the egg whites if you have dry hair – whites have bacteria eating enzymes that will suck out the oils. Oh, and only use coconut oil on the ends. They need it, but your roots will drown.

Having dry hair is a struggle, and visibly so. You have to be really careful and, not to mention, savvy if you’re going to even attempt a glossy look. But hey, at least your blow out will last you a while!

University of Pittsburgh