Every reason you should make the switch to vegetarian right now

What are you waiting for?

Diet is a huge part of every person’s life. Deciding what to put into your body is a daily issue, and involves a lot more than just picking items from a shelf.

My mom is vegetarian and, though she allowed me to try meat, I ultimately decided not to eat it. I choose to be vegetarian and avoid meat altogether for a number of reasons.

Animals are cute

I love animals. I think cows, pigs, goats, and whatever else people eat are just as cute as any other animal, just like dogs and cats.

Animal cruelty is real

The animals that meat comes from aren’t treated well at all. Google “factory farming,” or “PETA.” Those conditions are real, and unfair.

Vegetarian is healthier

All of the extra hormones, additives, antibiotics, and chemicals they feed to the animals (that then go into your stomach) are horrible for you, and for them as well. This is like four reasons in one if not more.

It’s actually really easy

Maybe I’m biased since I will never get those meat cravings people have told me about, but there are tons of vegetarian and vegan options at almost any fast food or sit down restaurant, and all grocery stores.

Vegan and vegetarian are not the same thing

Being vegetarian doesn’t mean cutting out all animal products. Some people confuse vegan and vegetarian. Vegetarians can still eat eggs, cheese, milk, honey, ice cream, brownies, and chocolate. Basically all the good stuff.

Your diet will be healthier

I’m not much of a dieter- I don’t work out or try to loose weight. But if you are trying to, cutting meat out of your diet would definitely make a huge difference.

You will get sick far less often

Maybe this isn’t solely based off being vegetarian, but I think it definitely has something to do with it. I consider myself above-average in health. I never go to the doctor,

I don’t need medication for anything, and I never feel sick.

You’ll still get all of your nutrition

You can get all the nutrients, vitamins, and protein you need without meat! People always ask me how I get my protein. There’s protein in so many things. Almonds and Greek yogurt are some of them.

It’s a good trade-off

Instead of eating animal fat and cholesterol in meat, you’ll be eating fiber and antioxidants found in fruits and veggies. Pretty good trade-off, huh? And a beneficial one, too!

For the love of Mother Earth

It’s actually good for the Earth. Not only will you not be killing and harming cute animals, but you’ll actually be saving the Earth also. The “emissions” that come from all the cows that are raised to be slaughtered is more harmful and impacting on global warming than CO2 from car emissions! Kinda scary.

University of Pittsburgh