Every type of person you’ll see in a PSYCH 100 class

9am classes are full of some interesting breeds of students

If you’ve ever taken a Psychology 100 class, or any 300+ person lecture, you know that there are those people in the class you just can’t stand. Whether you know them or not, you always know they’re there. You wake up early, walk to class expecting to learn. But instead, you’re met with the most annoying and distracting experience every time. Here are just some of the few types of people that piss you off in a PSYCH 100 class.

The sleeper

This is the most common type of person you’ll see at an early morning Psych 100 lecture. This is most likely the person that doesn’t give a shit about the class and only took it because they needed the credits. Or the person that stayed up binge watching Netflix comedies until 3 in the morning and barely got any sleep. You’ll know they’re there when the professor stops talking and you hear loud snoring coming from the back of the room.

The “trying-too-hard” note taker

This person brings a copy of the syllabus to every class and handwrites all of their notes. They never stop jotting things down and make sure they write down EVERY SINGLE thing the professor says (even if it isn’t on the PowerPoint and has nothing to do with the lesson). They raise their hand to ask a question at least 5 times during the class.

The person who stayed out partying all night and is beyond hungover

This one is pretty self explanatory. They’re wearing the same clothes they wore last night to a frat party, and have  their sunglasses on indoors. They cover their ears the entire time because the sound of the professor talking is giving them a massive headache, and they’re acting kind of high because they took way too many tylenols  that morning.

The online shopper

You think they’re taking notes, but nope, they’re online looking for some new crop tops as if the 50 they have in their closet aren’t enough.

The non-stop texter

This is the person that stays on their phone the entire 50 minutes of class. They’re usually doing something along the lines of texting, scrolling through Instagram or tweeting about things no one cares about. Why would you even bother waking up and coming to class just to play on your phone the whole time? Do that in your bed!

The person that’s 30 minutes late to class because they stopped to get coffee

EVERY SINGLE DAY this person strolls in with their Starbucks cup after they waited an hour in line to finally get it. They stand by the door for five minutes looking for a place to sit, and when they finally find one they annoy everyone by scooting through the aisles saying “excuse me” as they bump everyone’s legs trying to get to their seat.

The person who doesn’t stop scrolling through Facebook.

This is the most distracting person in the lecture. They have their laptop open the entire time, headphones on, and they scroll through Facebook over and over again watching videos of cats, distracting everyone sitting behind or next to them.

Penn State