I went to an Engineering class as a Comm major

Let’s just say I won’t be switching from Media Studies to Aerospace Engineering any time soon…

When I was younger I thought being an aerospace engineer would be the best job in the world. At the time I didn’t really know what the job entailed, I thought it was looking at how pretty the stars were and designing the interior of rocket ships.

I later learned that aerospace engineering was basically all math. After learning that I knew that engineering could not be my career path, since I am horrible at math. My adolescent dreams were crushed and I turned to the world of film and television instead.

Instead of experiencing the joys of sitting through a painfully easy lecture, I decided for fun and to fulfill my childhood dream to attend an Aerospace Engineering class and see how it would go.

Class Topic: Computational Fluid Dynamics … I think


The professor takes random attendance and the class looks terrified. I hear a choir of “oh shits” from various spots in the room.


We are already five minutes into the lecture and I have no idea what is happening. The professor begins to mention 1D and I immediately get excited thinking he was talking about the British boy band, but it turns out it was just part of an equation.


The professor shows a complicated equation, on the board, that has no numbers in it, just letters, and he keeps mentioning that they are N’s but I only see a P. I’m confused. 


The professor brings up another equation and mentions the Courant-Fredichs-Lewy number, but again I see no numbers only letters and strange symbols. I thought we were doing math, why are there no numbers?


I stopped paying attention to the lecture and noticed that there are a LOT of boys in this class, maybe I chose the wrong major…


The professor mentioned an array. I think I know what that is, maybe this class isn’t so bad.


I learned an already complicated equation can be “simplified” to an even more complicated equation. I lied this class is hard. And apparently simplified is a loose term.


The professor asks if any part of what he is saying makes sense, the class looks down and murmurs curse words under their breath.


So. Many. Equations


I hear the class whisper about a code and ask my friend what is happening. Apparently, now the professor is showing off his code. I have no idea what that means and I don’t think I want to.


The professor tells a personal anecdote, that is somehow still way too complicated for even the most complex minds to understand.


He mentions 1D again and I cry to myself a little, thinking about their breakup.


The professor makes a mistake in the presentation. He’s clueless, I’m clueless, we’re all clueless.


A boy in front of me begins to play video games. He has the right idea.


People begin to pack up and there are still fifteen minutes left. they are as done with this class as I am.


The first brave soul leaves the room and more people begin to follow.


He finally notices that half the class is out the door and decides to end his lecture. Before he can even say goodbye I am out the door, thanking myself that I never pursued my childhood dream.

Penn State