
We spoke with Makayla Reynolds about the underrepresented at Penn

‘I want to be able to show people that it is OK to speak out’

Is Penn with Hillary?

We asked who everyone is voting for

What it’s like being a Republican at Penn

‘I don’t discuss my political views much with friends since I fear rejection’

Penn is the fourth most sleep-deprived school in America

We’re all tired

To the Penn community: It’s time we address this crisis together

We cannot afford to wait

Daily Show with Trevor Noah is coming to Penn

Enter the lottery to win tickets

Petition launched to address Penn’s ‘over-stressed student culture’

‘An open discussion must be initiated within the Penn community’

Penn junior dies after being struck by train

‘Olivia brightened up our days with big heart, glowing smile, and warm hugs’

Chaz Smith: Sexual assault is an issue that affects all of us

We spoke to Chaz for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Congratulations to Penn’s class of 2020

We found the best reactions

Chaz Smith is Penn’s Vine star

‘All the goofiness is an aspect of my personality but it’s really just a performance’

Meet the triplets who all got into Penn together

At least they all have different haircuts

Which Ivy League school do you belong at?

Take our quiz and find out

VIDEO: The Jones triplets show you the ultimate dorm room work out

‘Get it in without the gym’

You don’t have to go crazy on spring break to have the best time

I’m not going to PV this year

QUIZ: Which Pennsylvania school should you have actually gone to?

Find out if you’re in the right place

While I’m studying at an Ivy, my boyfriend is stuck in jail

It costs almost $5 to hear his voice

Why is it so hard to get a date at Penn?

Many have tried and failed

Why does no one say hi on Locust?

Are Penn students bad at making real connections?

Things you know if you grew up in San Francisco

No, not ‘San Fran’ or ‘Frisco’