Everything to make moving out at the end of the school year easier

You’ll thank us later

Finals are here, and soon we’ll be packing to head out for summer. But while you’re wrapping up extracurricular activities and studying for finals, you also have to worry about finding storage for items and leaving your apartment or room if you haven’t re-upped your lease. Things suddenly got more stressful and you’re freaking out. Don’t worry you’re not alone, so are we.

In the midst of all the chaos, here are a few tips from us to you on how to make move out easier:

Start packing ahead of time

Be prepared for a couple trips to the car

There’s nothing worse than waiting until the last minute to pack up your things when you’re supposed to be studying for finals. Start putting your belongings into boxes throughout the week in the lead up to the move out day. It’s also makes for a great study break, too.

Take study breaks and blast some music while breaking down the room

To go along with taking a study break, blast some music to make the cleaning process less tedious. Spotify is a person’s best friend in this situation- crank up the music (as long as it’s not during quiet hours) and start organizing.

If you have a laundry card, use your remaining balance

Zero balance makes for life goals

If you’re in the dorms, make sure you look at the balance on your laundry card before you leave, as you won’t be able to cash in any remaining balance. You can add money for the last load if you need to, but any remaining money stays on the card.

Spend all your meal points

But what about the food for the road trip home?

Similar to the laundry card situation, if you’re in the dorms make sure to spend all your points before you check out. Even if you don’t eat all the remaining food when you buy it, you never know when it’ll come in handy later.

Donate any items you don’t want or put in storage

Your building should have storage options, or if you’re in the dorms each floor should have a bin to put your unwanted items in. Donating is a good way to get some reusable but unnecessary items off your hands before you try and pack up the car to haul out of state. Trust me, you don’t need the extra long Swiffer even if you think you can use it next year. You’ll be happy when you have extra space for the comforter that took up more room than you thought.

Remember quiet hours


Taking note of quiet hours will help you later when people are studying for finals. Look on the walls and write the times down in your diary, it’ll make it simpler so you can plan what times you want to start moving around and packing.

Say thank you to the staff

Thank you for putting up with our endless questioning

Even though you need to get everything in order, RA’s and housing assistants are there for extra support.  From checking out your pointing you to the right donation bin to checking in your keys at the end, this is a stressful time for them, too.

Moving out can seem stressful, but once you get a head start it isn’t as scary as it sounds. Who knows, sometimes it can even be fun.

University of Oregon