The lewd signs are back and this time they’re…respecting women?

Cool, I guess we can cancel feminism now

Originally, the Columbus community saw welcome week signs as a lewd and disrespectful representation of Ohio State. But get ready to give a round of applause to Darwin for this groundbreaking evolutionary feat: the frat bros are changing — nay, adapting — to become more #feminist.

That's right. The lewd signs are back again, only this time they're respecting women.

This sign was featured prominently on 14th and Indianola, and is in stark contrast to the banners from last year, which were less than appropriate, yet admittedly funny. White sheets with phrases like "Daughter Drop Off" and "Daughter Daycare" spray painted in block letters hung proudly from student housing. Naturally, people had mixed reactions.

Perhaps the evolution of welcome week banners is a sign the men of Ohio State are changing the way they view and value women. Or maybe they're simply becoming self-aware, or highlighting their ability to be self deprecating.

Either way, it's nice to see some growth.

Ohio State