Ohio Stadium announces BEER all season

Now we can all party like Club Level

The Buckeyes have just announced they will now be selling beer stadium-wide for the 2016 season.

The 2015 season saw Ohio Stadium selling beer and wine to Club Level fans

Not only can you still get hammered campus-wide before and after the game, but now you don’t have to “consider” sneaking in a flask to all your home games!

This is a huge development for a Big Ten team” 2012 was the first year that a Big Ten team decided to sell alcohol at the stadium. Just last October only two Big Ten teams, Minnesota and Maryland sold beer – now Ohio State will be the third team on the list.

Various teams have made comments regarding the loss of student sales due to not selling alcohol at the games.

With this, Ohio State has also announced $50,000 will be going to OSU’s Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery. They plan on having the extra revenue to go adding new positions to the Ohio State Police Department (with an expected contribution of $300,000/year).

So make sure we pace ourselves this season before the game! Go Bucks!

Ohio State