7-Eleven’s BYO cup weekend is the best time of the year

Get a new brain freeze measuring scale

In short, BYO cup day is when you can bring any container up to 10″ in height to 7-Eleven, fill it up with Slurpee, and pay only $1.50, regardless of the size of said container. While this experience is well known across most of the US and Canada, it is not well known in NYC. This year this was done over two days: last Friday and Saturday.

A preview of what BYO cup day entails

As an added bonus, I figured that the three gallon container (11 liter) that has been sitting in the common room all year for no reason would finally get some use.

Day One: My brother and I vs. four gallons

Mine is on the left. Brother’s is on the right.

When you combine an insane amount of the sourest Airheads Xtreme flavor there is, Coca-Cola, Banana, and more Airheads flavor, you get my container. When you do the same sans the banana and the top layer of Airheads, you get my brother’s.

We ate these with spoons because the quantities involved were just that large. But the brain freezes were still ridiculous to the point where describing them with words doesn’t do much for them. As this was a residence hall lounge, there were a lot of stares from passersby. Reactions were mixed.

Over an hour later, a large percent of both of these had turned to liquid to the point where they looked gross, to say the least. Of course, even with spoons, decent appetites, and plenty of time, neither of us could finish all that we obtained (though we each got through a decent portion).

Day Two: Me vs. three gallons

I was undeterred by my inability to finish Friday’s Slurpee and came back with an even bigger appetite and the same three gallon container. As I was going at it alone that day, I should have known this would be harder than Friday. I simplified the flavor selection a little bit, going with mostly Airheads and Coke.

Even the employees were impressed

This time, though, I decided to get four straws and drink through this as fast as I could. Though this was my preferred combination of super sour with a hint of Coke, brain freezes occurred on a grand scale that I didn’t experience on Friday. Despite standing a few steps away from head pain, I kept drinking fast. However, I should have predicted the end. Lots of liquid, but not 100 per cent finished by the time my stomach got full. Also, the grand scale brain freezes became too much to handle all at once.

If the obstacles of potentially not finishing and getting brain freezes like you’ve never had are OK, this will be a great activity next year, and you can even try to outdo my attempt with your own outlandish BYO cup day ideas.
