Here comes The Tab

Your #1 news source for all things Blue and Gold

Welcome to The Tab Notre Dame. Written by students, for students, and about students, The Tab Notre Dame is a place for honest, engaging, and uncensored news about the greatest university in the world.

Our reporters are experts on all things ND, because they’re students just like you–they study in Club Hes, complain about the weather, and get heated when someone insults their dining hall.

They’ll keep you updated on everything going on under the Dome, from community reactions to this year’s presidential race to the unsuccessful petitions to replace Burger King with Panda Express and everything in between.

We’re kicking off with some ND spirit – news on how powerful the Irish family really is and some dads to prove it.  Additionally, we’re sharing a powerful op-ed about why one student deleted Snapchat, and why you should, too. 

We’re always looking for passionate reporters, and no experience is necessary – we welcome anyone who has something to say. We’ll teach you everything you need to know so you can write the stories your friends care about.

Sign up here to join our team and like our Facebook page (link) to stay updated on breaking Fighting Irish news.

Go Irish!//Onward to victory

Notre Dame University