The liberal media helped Donald Trump win

They did this to themselves

To say I disagree with Donald Trump would be an understatement. But his earlier claims that the election was rigged holds a certain element of truth. It is, of course, not the actual elections themselves that are rigged, but the culture around them. Think back to the primaries. I was confused and upset because despite the fact that my network of family and friends were showing overwhelming support for Bernie Sanders, the news had already decided he had no chance at getting the nomination against Clinton. She was the conventional establishment candidate, so any other outcome couldn’t be rationalized.

Right before the election results came in, popular media almost exclusively predicted that Clinton would win by a landslide. Statistical poll data was provided, and yet… she didn’t win. Here’s what I believe is the reason why.

Bloomberg Politics, the Washington Post, and Business Wire had all reported that Clinton was ahead in recent polls. However, they all referenced the same SurveyMonkey/NBC News poll. So while there appeared to be several polls across several platforms predicting a Clinton victory, there was only one poll. Meanwhile, polls such as the USC/L.A. Times Daybreak poll showing Trump victory went largely undiscussed.

Perhaps these news media sources thought that by exposing readers to the possibility of a Clinton victory, they could increase enthusiasm for her presidency. Perhaps they simply couldn’t comprehend the victory of an anti-establishment candidate. No matter the motivation, these news sources tend not to specify who was polled, where they were polled, or when. If they do, they use slippery and vague language. They are simply the “latest” polls and American citizens are supposed to implicitly believe that they are correct. As the whole country learned Tuesday, though, the election isn’t actually over until the people vote. The media’s manipulation of public opinion needs to be revealed, but I wish it could happen in another way, because I am now scared of what might happen to the legislative rights of minorities in our country.

University of Michigan