The guide to getting in shape for spring break

It’s not just about your body

It’s that time of the year when a lot of you are freaking out about the fact spring break aka bikini season is less than a month away and all you’ve been doing is sitting in your bed binging on Netflix and pizza.

Where is it gonna be this year? Miami? Cancun? Whatever little piece of paradise you’re going to, I’m sure you want to feel sexy and confident and trust me it’s not too late.

Lose the excuses and find results

It SUCKS that we have exam week literally right before Spring Break and honestly while I’m stressing over exams all I feel like doing is binging on Girl Scout Cookies and staying in, but stay positive and remember you have something to look forward to, a one hour workout is only four percent of your day and not only are you doing something good for your body, it’s super stress relieving too.

Make a plan

At the beginning of the week, choose an hour each day that for working out. Keep it in your calendar and set a reminder on your phone so you can make it a priority. Personally, I think it’s best to go early so you can get it out of the way and not have to cancel any plans or rush and go later on. (Going to the gym early also boosts your metabolism all day). And we all know how crowded Eppley gets after 2pm.

Be confident and realize you aren’t the only one

“Everyone on the beach is gonna look like a Victoria’s Secret Angel except me!” I know this feeling, but trust me, if you didn’t have time to work out because of exams and all the work you’ve been doing, I can guarantee you neither did most other college students. All you can do is focus on yourself and become the best version of yourself this spring break. You’ll feel great that you worked hard and weren’t lazy because a lot of people are.

Your friends probably want to get fit just as bad as you do. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Like I said, you aren’t alone. You probably have conversations with your friends all the time about how you guys should start working out and eating healthy. The hardest part is getting started, but if you and your friends have a common goal it’s so much easier to motivate each other, teach each other new things, and it makes the experience much more fun.

When I first got to this school, I was so intimidated by Eppley because of all the huge buff guys which I know a lot of girls can be, and going with friends literally made the experience so much better (The guys are hot though so there’s some more motivation right there). By the way if you have a boyfriend that works out going with him is a great idea too.

There is such a thing as tasty healthy food

So working out isn’t that bad and can even be fun. But what we’re really worried about is what to eat. It doesn’t make it easier that Insomnia Cookies and Pizza Kingdom are open till 3am and deliver, but have you guys tried out the healthier options on campus? Sweetgreen is personally my favorite, and I hate salads but trust me these are so flavorful and filling.
The hardest part about eating healthy is choosing the healthy option but once you do and start eating you really realize it’s actually pretty good and doesn’t give you a gross tummy ache after. And for anyone who wants something easy to cook throw some chicken breast, frozen cut veggies, and brown rice in a pan with olive oil and some seasoning, cook till the chickens done, and that’s it. Cheap, easy, and you don’t have to do a lot of dishes.

Stay motivated and positive

I know what you guys are thinking, there are two weeks till spring break what difference does it make? But even if you eat healthy and work out for a couple days your body will feel the difference. You’ll feel so much more energetic and confident already! Also, when you start off is when you see the most noticeable difference quicker.

Don’t stress and remember to treat yourself along the way

Instead of thinking about “Instagram models”, think about a happy healthy YOU getting tan on the beach. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t see results in a week. Trust me, your body is changing as soon as you start treating it well. Even if you don’t see it, you are making a change and that’s all that counts. Spring break is such a happy time and you don’t want to stress yourself out with working out on top of the exams you have. Instead, keep your focus on spring break or your new bikini to motivate you when you work out. And you don’t have to stop having fun, remember, a few slices of pizza here and there won’t mess you up. You deserve it!

Remember, the sexiest thing is confidence

You’ve been working hard and treating your body right. Be proud of yourself girl, and own your body at the beach because it’s beautiful inside and out. You know what else makes your body look good in addition to working out? Smiling, laughing, keeping a good posture, and lots of confidence.

It’s not just about your body, treat yourself to a new sexy bikini for all your hard work

What girl doesn’t love the feeling of a new bikini? Head to the mall and try some on, I’m sure you’ll find one that you love and looks amazing on you. You definitely deserve it!

The most important thing to remember is everything I just said about working out and eating healthy shouldn’t just be about looking hot for spring break. The benefits go beyond how your body changes physically. Through fitness and health I’ve gained so much confidence, mental and physical strength, the ability to push myself, and become more responsible. I feel more energetic, my skin glows more, and I feel so much happier! Once you start such a beautiful process why stop? Make it a lifestyle! And I know it sounds hard telling yourself you have to eat healthy all the time, but remember, lasting results over temporary pleasure.

Have fun and stay happy wherever you go for break, and I’ve got you covered for all your fitness tips.


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