Harrisonburg is one of the top 10 cities impacted by the immigration ban

Which makes it that much more important for us to speak up

A study run by the Brookings Institution showed Harrisonburg to have a high percentage of immigrants from banned countries, making it one of these top 10 impacted communities by President Trump’s recent ban.

As Harrisonburg’s WHSV points out, “The Brookings Institute also cites James Madison University attracting ‘highly-qualified faculty and students from those countries,'” contributing to our diverse population. These faculty members and students are now afraid to travel home and visit their families, due to complications created by this ban.

President Alger has even sent out an email to the JMU community in light of the ban and the uncertainty of what affect it will have on members of our community. The acknowledgement of the uncertainty and general communal concern was appreciated by the whole community.

Shortly after this email was circulated, a video made two months ago resurfaced and began trending once again in the Harrisonburg community as a sign of support and solidarity.

The JMU community has been all but silent in their feelings of support for immigrants through marches, signs and expressing their concerns.

Defending its reputation as “the friendly city,” signs expressing friendship and love have appeared all over Harrisonburg, as well.

Needless to say, Harrisonburg is a place friendly and welcome to all and a place JMU students are proud to call their second homes.

James Madison University