The Cambus system sucks during the winter

Because who doesn’t like having their personal space violated?

The University of Iowa Cambus system may be a helpful way to get around campus, however particularly awful during the winter.

Stop pushing, you’ll get on

It’s literally Black Friday when trying to get on a Cambus most of the time when it’s cold out. To the people that push and shove to get on a bus, stop it.

You don’t have to sit, and there’s plenty of room too. Even getting off of the bus is a hassle.

Your job is to drive, not to yell 

Getting a job with the cambus company is a great way to earn cash, but honestly I would never drive a bus to begin with.

Those drivers get cranky, and I’d be scared to have to yell at one hundred college students to “MOVE BACK” when trying to cram even more.

If the middle doors are open, why can’t we get on there? 

Let’s be honest, those doors in the middle are VERY tempting, especially when there’s fifty people at a stop.

The Cambus policy is that you aren’t allowed to get on in the middle, which is completely bogus. Come on?

If you’re already trying to get people to move back, wouldn’t it be easier if people get on in the middle so they’re already closer to the back? COMMON SENSE.

I thought the bus was supposed to come in three minutes, not 30 seconds…?

BONGO, The app that will literally show you where the bus you need to get on is on a map, is just plain wrong sometimes. Just the other day, a friend and I almost missed a bus that said it was coming in seven minutes came in one minute!

Not to mention the weather sucked so good thing we made that one! Seriously though, update faster.

Its one thing to almost miss your bus, but it’s another thing to be waiting outside in negative degree weather waiting for a bus that might never come and being late to class.

Also, what’s the deal with three busses coming in a row and then another one not coming for twenty more minutes? Thanks.

I was the first person at this stop, so back off

Don’t you just hate it when you’re waiting for a bus and other people push you out of the way to get on? Yeah it’s kind of annoying, and rude.

Just push them back, but harder and more noticeable to get the point across. This isn’t high school, so you wouldn’t get in trouble for it anyway.


Back to the whole moody Cambus driver point, they are trying to help out and stay on schedule after all. Everyone standing on the cambus always stays in one spot, and never wants to move up the stairs and to the back of the bus. And to the people crowding by the doors who wont move, MOVE!

I bet everyone who stands there just wants an easy way to get off quick. Well, I’ve got news for you. The longer it takes for people to move back, the less time you have to get to your class or to eat.

It’s second semester, haven’t you learned by now?

Feeling violated…

Why do people feel the need to be super close to each other if they don’t know them? On a crowded bus, it isn’t okay. I bet if one hundred people get asked, “Have you ever felt your personal space violated on a cambus?” , the answer would at least seventy five percent be yes.

It may be cold out, but that doesn’t mean people should try to get as close to other people as possible for warmth, the bus is already warm enough and it’s just downright creepy. Don’t be that one guy or girl.

With all that being said, the Cambus may be a pain during the winter time, but lets be honest. The system ultimately does the job.

University of Iowa