An introduction to cuffing season, and how to know if it’s for you

Not all who cuff are down for the hunt

It’s obvious that there’s a concept on many college campuses more confusing than organic chemistry and paying for printing (What is our tuition going to?).  I’ve been asked too many times to explain cuffing, cuffing season, and the difference between the two, and I feel a responsibility to keep innocent people from getting themselves in bad situations.

So here’s an article I can send to the next 100 people who will ask me for the same explanation this semester, and also an article you can use to use to save yourself from/take full advantage of the hookup cultures on all many college campuses.

What is cuffing?

Cuffing is a loose but binding relationship. That means you’re sticking with one person but aren’t dealing with all the emotions that make you listen to Taylor Swift.

In this way, cuffing can feel a little transactional. All right, cuffing is pretty transactional.

Think about it: if you’re really not dealing with feelings, you’re most likely only dealing with sex. And you know what? Many people ‘cuff’ just for the stable sex.

And that leads to cuffing season.

Why was the movie titled Friends with Benefits if they ended up catching feelings?

What is cuffing season?

DISCLAIMER: the following activities are only for members of #TeamNoFeelings. If you’re the type to catch feelings, please don’t try any of this at home.

Cuffing season is pretty much a time when the need for one loyal FWB partner, instead of many random hookups, is so real. When does this happen? Pretty much in late fall when it starts to get colder and you really don’t want to be putting in all that effort to find new people.

Also, winter is perfect for cuddling (Don’t try doing this in a dorm any other time of the year if it doesn’t have AC), so people get into 100% transactional relationships pretty much for the body heat and the convenience. (Some people think cuddling is too feely and thus leave it alone.)

These relationships normally end around Spring, when you can finally start showing off those legs and abs again. This is also why people not from the Northeast or Northwest don’t really know about cuffing season. That’s why students from sunny SoCal get screwed over by New England fuckboys and fuckgirls by the time Spring Break comes around.

Which life are you about?

If you think breaking off a relationship with a snap of the finger because of changes in the seasons is concerning, then you shouldn’t participate in cuffing season because you’re not about that life!

If you’re looking to have that one person to share space on your twin-XL bed but not to marry after graduation, then look into cuffing.

This could be us, but this grind will make you catch feelings

Cuffing season is really for people who don’t like strings attached but like the convenience of a single FB when finding others is just too much.

But good ol’ cuffing is for those of us who aren’t looking for something too serious but still want those nice Insta pics and kisses on the forehead.

Both lives will give you the “real college experience” a lot of us are going crazy over.

You’ve just got to think about which one’s for you, if either one is.
