Being a doctor is the most highly paid profession in America

Congrats if you’re pre-med

Glassdoor’s latest research ranks the top 25 highest paying jobs in America for the new year and they rank physicians as the top dog in terms of paycheck amount.

Physicians earn an average of $180,000 per year as a base salary, over $40,000 more than the second highest paid position of lawyer.

A physician’s career opportunities also show more potential for recent grads who hope to join the workforce – Glassdoor says there are 2064 job openings available in 2016 for potential physicians, as compared to a mere 995 positions for lawyers.

There is no obvious correlation between the median base salary and the number of job openings in this particular study, which is good news for those who are looking at jobs in the top ten salary earning fields, including software development managers, pharmacy managers, and solutions architects.

However, for those looking at potential careers in research and development management, strategy management, integrated circuit designer engineering and information systems management, the job opportunities are staggeringly low.

There are only an estimated 147 job openings available for information systems managers in 2016. Research and development managers have the lowest potential for job opportunities with an estimation of only 112 job openings.

As the saying goes, Americans live to work, and living to work for a large sum of money every year is a leading factor when potential employees search for jobs.

But it may not sustain long-term job satisfaction. As Glassdoor says: “When we dig deeper into what keeps employees satisfied once they’re in a job and with a company, we find that culture and values, career opportunities, and trust in senior leadership are the biggest drivers of employee satisfaction.”

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