Meet a potential supporter of Evan McMullin, the third-party ex-CIA presidential candidate

Republicans are turning to vote for him

If you’re one of the 25 percent of young people who would consider a third-party presidential candidate, or one of the many more who is simply dissatisfied with their current options, you should meet Evan McMullin.

He recently entered the race because he believes a Trump or a Clinton presidency would be disastrous for the country. McMullin is a centre-right independent candidate who is only 40 years old, yet has had a range of diverse experiences that may qualify him for this powerful position. He was a CIA operations counter-terrorism officer for 11 years, worked as an analyst at Goldman Sachs, has experience at the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and was most recently the chief policy director for the House Republican Conference. For those who are frustrated with the current names on the ballot, McMullin could be an intriguing option.

So we spoke to a student who plans to vote for McMullin: Jeff, at Georgetown. He told us McMullin is “the type of candidate that the Republican Party needs if it wants to win a presidential election in the future. McMullin’s entire life has been dedicated to public service and he fits the John Kasich-Jon Huntsman ‘socially moderate, fiscally conservative’ mold which appeals to many moderate and independent voters. McMullin served as a CIA counterterrorism agent for ten years, and when it comes to matters of national security and foreign policy, I think many Americans would wholeheartedly trust his judgment.”


This candidate’s platform is certainly more moderate than either Clinton’s or Trump’s in many aspects. McMullin believes the United States needs to accept refugees, including from the Middle East, as a part of true American values. However, he argues they must endure a robust vetting process in order to ensure the country’s national security.

He has opposed Trump’s once-proposed ban on Muslims from both a pragmatic and a moral standpoint, explaining good relations with the Muslim community are integral to effective counter-terrorist strategy. Unlike both Clinton and Trump, McMullin’s official position is pro-trade and in support of the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership. He has claimed trade is integral to the growth of the US economy, but that the government must remain proactive to limit the legitimate negative consequences that are frequently associated with international trade.

Unlike Trump, McMullin has voiced support for certain aspects of the Affordable Care Act, particularly prohibiting insurance companies from refusing to insure individuals with pre-existing conditions. Yet, he has condemned how this reform has led to a rise in insurance premiums without addressing the fundamental issue of the incomparably high cost of health care in the United States. In contrast to the conventional Republican stance, his rhetoric suggests he wants to reform this legislation to address its issues rather than to fully repeal it.

In addition, McMullin’s views on social issues may appeal to many independent or #NeverTrump Republican voters. He has stated he is pro-life, but that it is time for the country to “move on” from the fight against same-sex marriage. While McMullin does believe the US-Mexico border needs to be secured, he has also explained he would support a pathway to citizenship for otherwise law-abiding undocumented immigrants. His justification for this position is based on the pragmatic fact that it would simply be unfeasible to deport such a mass of people.

Nonetheless, Evan McMullin is certainly not the perfect candidate for most demographics in the United States. When asked about what might worry him about McMullin, Jeff said he “has no chance at becoming the next President of the United States. McMullin missed filing deadlines in almost every major state, and can only appear on the ballot in one-third of the remaining states. This makes it all but impossible for him to win the necessary 270 electoral votes.” He further discussed the issue of much of his experience being “classified” in the CIA, which may prevent McMullin from being able to reassure voters of his competency.

Yet McMullin’s positions are generally more mainstream than those of Trump, and he doesn’t have Clinton’s highly controversial reputation over trustworthiness. Candidates like Jill Stein will primarily appeal to left-wing voters who are frustrated by the country’s political system, but McMullin represents an opportunity for #NeverTrump voters to split the Republican demographic away from their party’s nominee.

Many have argued voting for an independent third-party candidate is futile, and will only lead to a Trump presidency. But the behavior by both the Republican and Democratic party leadership has brought popular dissatisfaction with the binary American political system to new highs. So if you’re one of the many people in this country who simply cannot bring themselves to vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, it’s time to seriously consider your other options.

And as of this month, despite his meagre chances of actually winning, Evan McMullin is one of them.

Georgetown University