These are the best places to cry on campus after failing your exams

We all need a good cry sometimes

We all know that feeling, the moment you realize it's already November. Two months into school means midterms are in full swing, and you haven't studied at all. You walk out of the Testing Center feeling a jumble of emotions; relief that it's over, a lot of anxiety about how questions 1-60 didn't feel too solid, questioning your inherent existence, You ask yourself, "What am I doing? Why did I take this class? I should just drop out and become a sugar baby."

It's easy to drive right off the crazy cliff. Most of the time, there's nothing a good 'emotional release' can't fix, and there are plenty of places on campus where you can do just that.

A cubicle in Dirac

While you're trying to control the train wreck before it occurs all over your midterm, you might as well visit again to cry afterwards.

Carothers Bathrooms

Everyone who has a class in Carothers is crying anyway. No one will even pay you a second glance.

Laying on Landis Green

Image may contain: Water, Fountain, Potted Plant, Plant

Look up at the sky, no one will see the tears rolling down the sides of your face, let the noise of the fountain drown out your sobs. At least there will be puppies.

On the machines at the Leach

Image may contain: Yard, Backyard, Vine, Plant, Flower, Flora, Blossom, Gardening, Garden

Everyone will think you're sweating out of your eyes. Let it flow.

As a last resort go find your professor's office, a disturbing amount of tears could earn you a grade boost.

Florida State University