How to prepare for midterms without ruining your life

May the curve be ever in your favor

How is it midterms already? This semester seems to be flying by and that means having to study for midterms. Whether your week consists of papers or exams, you’ll need to find time to study and balance your schedule. However, keeping your life together is a lot easier said than done. So how do you prepare for midterms without hating your life?

Netflix and cry

Make some time for yourself this midterms week to have some Netflix and cry. Unlike Netflix and chill, you are watching Netflix in order to pretend like you don’t have four tests this week. Take an hour to yourself this week and watch something to relax. Also, grab some snacks to eat while you watch to keep your body energized.


Coffee is the elixir of life. Trying to balance sleep, studying, classes, work, and friends is exhausting and coffee is the perfect way to fuel our busy lives. If you can’t stand coffee, (who even are you??), drink some green or black tea to give yourself a nice boost of caffeine. Local coffee shops in Tally, like All Saints and Catalina Café, are close to campus and also great places to study.

Study outside

Get ready to study outdoors this week. The weather is finally beautiful in Tally and nothing is more relaxing than highlighting a course textbook in the great outdoors. Make sure to bring a towel or blanket with you to campus in case you want to study out on Landis. Green therapy is a wonderful thing and spending some time outside will definitely reduce stress levels and clear your head. Besides, who wants to deal with the mess of trying to find a table at Strozier or Dirac?

Time management

If you don’t use a planner, try to map out your study schedule for midterms week. If you physically write down your study goals for each day, you are more likely to get everything finished. It serves as a way to keep track of your assignments and tests without you having to keep referring to your syllabus. There is no better rush than the one you get from marking off tasks on your to-do list.

Study Breaks

You may think there is no time to spare during midterms, but it is important to set aside time to relax. Try to allow yourself at least 30 minutes of free time a day doing something you enjoy. This will give your mind time to recharge. Read something funny or go for a run or walk outside. Or better yet, watch funny cat videos on YouTube. Also, did we mention that The Tab has an app for your phone?

Good luck ‘Noles, may the curve be ever in your favor!

Florida State University