Everything that happened during the #DukeTornado

So I shouldn’t order from Enzo’s then?

Even though we got absolutely drenched, and had to sit in the basement of Perkins for far longer than we wanted to, there were a few things we learned from this ridiculous downpour.

We got a new feature on campus

Aww, I always wanted a pond.

The basketball team not only updated us but got us REALLY excited

Is Amile back?!

The #DukeDifference was real

Durham is larger than originally believed

Still not confirmed Durham is actually that big at all.

It’s confirmed that Texans are crazy

Guys, why are you excited about this?

The Perkins Exodus nearly rivals the Biblical one


We asked the really important and pressing questions

Duke’s communication skills are limited

Shelter or class, shelter or class…

And once again, Duke’s overreaction to weather was confirmed

Thanks, Duke!


Duke University