
What you missed at Hunter’s Got Talent

An account of USG’s most recent event – the good, the bad, and the ugly

We asked Hunter freshmen why they chose Pre-Med

‘If I was focused on the money, I wouldn’t be in this field’

Transitioning from high school to college should not be this hard

It’s a year marked by stresses, anxieties and confusions

The face of the Hunter Revolution: Kevin ‘Zod’ Zaw

His goal is to make your experience at Hunter something that you can be proud of

Meet Lucy Snyder, president of A Hunter Alliance

‘We really want the students to hold us accountable for what we do’

We asked Hunter students what they thought about Donald Trump

Obviously he’s not very popular

Hunter junior and Muse scholar has photography displayed in North Building

‘I hope it brightens people’s days, provokes a response and creates a positive atmosphere’

Hunter dethrones Baruch

We still don’t know what a Bearcat is

Meet the leading lady of A Hunter United: Melany Balaguera

Student life at Hunter is kinda her thing

2016-2017 USG Elections: A Hunter Alliance

‘You and Me for HC’

2016-2017 USG elections: The Hunter Revolution

‘Be the change. Join the Revolution’

Tips from a super junior

This is how to do it right

What my Chinese heritage taught me about life, college, and America

Aiming for social mobility, failing in reality

Volunteers will be collecting our food waste in the third floor caf next week

It’s part of the Food Waste Erased initiative

Introducing Gooroo, the new app for finding a tutor

It’s better than sifting through hundreds of flyers

2016-2017 USG elections: A Hunter United

‘A Hunter United is a strong Hunter!’

Dear high school seniors: Don’t come to Hunter

It’s not for everyone. Make sure it’s the right fit for you