Take our survey to find out if Boulder is as liberal as we think

Are you with her?

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The 2016 Presidential Election is creeping in on us, and it might just be the most terrifying thing about Halloween this year. Take a look at what the entire US looks like in regards to which candidate each state is leaning towards according to FiveThirtyEight.

Our question is, what does CU Boulder look like? One might think that the notoriously liberal Boulder Bubble is heavy on Hillary, but is that accurate? After all, our campus hosted Donald Trump not too long ago. And yet, Bernie Sanders was here to speak a couple weeks ago. 

According, again, to FiveThirtyEight, Hillary will win Colorado. Will she win Boulder? As a college town with a mindset heavy on hippie values and morals you might assume it’s a no-brainer, but we want to see just how accurate Boulder’s stereotypes are.

Are you with her, or are you doubting the trustworthiness of the Clinton campaign? Is Donald Trump going to Make America Great Again, or are we already spectacular, just in need of some tuning up? Share your opinion with us here by taking a quick survey, and check back in a couple days to see what we find in the data collected from CU students.

Click here to take the survey.

University of Colorado Boulder