Trump’s supporters are full of hate, just like his policies

Hillary’s plans sounded coherent last night, but Trump’s fans were raving

Do you want to know why Trump has so much support? He’s charismatic but most of all, he’s angry. After watching last night’s debate, it’s clear he appeals to those Americans who are angry; and believe me, there are many. Like the rise of Le Pen (far-right) in France, Trump is rising in America because he takes advantage of white working class Americans and their anger.

He makes them believe immigrants are stealing their jobs, that China is conspiring against them, and so are the nation’s politicians, and that he is going to lower taxes because that’s the way to go. On screen last night, Clinton seemed diplomatic and polite, but Trump tried to steal the limelight. Her plans sound coherent and organized but Trump has people raving.

I looked at Trump’s debate interventions; he said the word “jobs” 18 times. 83 percent of the time he mentioned jobs as being taken from the American people. Here are some of his statements:

– “Our jobs are fleeing the country. They’re going to Mexico they’re going to many other countries…”
– “But we have to stop our jobs are being stolen from us…”
– “Because I want to get on to creating jobs. Because I want to get onto having the strong border…”
– “We’re losing our jobs, people are pouring into our country, the other day we were deporting eight hundred people and perhaps they passed the wrong button they pressed the wrong button or perhaps worse than that it was corruption…”

Trump’s discourse is entirely based on the demonization of the immigrant and the white working class American public loves to hear that. This is not a new tactic, believe me. They feel they are victims of the current system: they pay too many taxes and are losing their jobs to immigrants and delocalization. The ideal solution? Close the border and lower taxes. They are the fire and Trump is just fanning the flames. He is telling them what they want to hear and they are ecstatic.

The wise Franklin D. Roosevelt said: “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.” It is definitely and absolutely crucial that we understand this point. Democracy cannot succeed unless the nation’s voters are informed. The main problem with our country at the moment is that voters are NOT informed. They believe and regurgitate the things they want to hear and hear from Donald Trump.

Trump appeals to the uninformed American voter and does a brilliant job at it. That is why it is our duty to be prepared this November 8th to make a smart and well-thought-out decision. As citizens of the United States we shall be electing our leader, a person who represents us and what our country stands for. Is it possible that this person could be a bigoted lunatic? It is up to us to decide.

Columbia University