Everything you know if you’re a legacy

‘Both my parents went here’

Choosing and attending a college is easily one of the most exciting experiences of your life. For some, however, it can be even more exciting, as you end up as a legacy student: attending the same college as one or both of your parents.

While some people may criticize legacy students for not branching out, those of us who are legacy know that it’s one of the best experiences you can have in college.

It can be daunting to carve your own path – but equally rewarding

The biggest fear of any legacy student is ending up like your parents (not that there’s anything wrong with them). But, as you spend time on campus, you realize how easy it is to carve your own path.

From joining different clubs, to majoring in different things, it becomes more and more rewarding to be attending the same University as your parents, but at the same time, proudly making your own mark on the school.

You knew the fight song by heart before you came to school

And there’s a pretty high chance your parents started singing it the minute you got in.

You’re familiar with all the crazy party stories

The more you attend parties on campus, the more you hear rumors of the legends who partied on campus in the 70s and 80s. Even better, however, is that you get to say your parents were the ones who lived that. And, if you’re lucky, you grew up with your dad telling you all about it.

You already have a bunch of school swag

While most new students rush to the bookstore during orientation week to stock up on their respective swag, you can avoid the lines and fighting for your size sweatshirt, as your closet is already stuffed with swag.

Whether it’s your mom’s vintage sweatshirt, or the seven T-shirts your parents bought you the first time you expressed interest in the school, you’ve got it all.

The mascot is a regular decoration in your home

From plush toys, to Christmas tree ornaments, the love for your school’s mascot runs deep in a legacy home. And there’s a pretty high chance it’s spilled over into your dorm room, too.

Forget parents’ weekend – homecoming is where the fun is

While parents weekend is fun, it’s nothing compared to homecoming. There’s nothing more fun that watching your parent(s) and their friends relive their glory days and getting to live yours right along side them.

You have to fend off your parent(s) from visiting

Don’t get me wrong – it’s great when your Mom or Dad comes to visit. But, whether it’s for the next football game, to play a round of golf, or just to see the campus again, it can feel like they want to come visit their old stomping grounds every weekend.

If you’re a double-legacy, you live in constant fear of meeting your soulmate

If you’ve grown up listening to the story of how you Dad first saw your Mom on the quad and fell instantly in love, walking across the quad on a daily basis can be a little intimidating.

And, if you’re lucky enough to date someone, you’re stuck wondering if they’re “the one.”

You (secretly) hope your kids come here, too

Let’s be honest- being a legacy, you would love for your kids to go to your school, too.

Being a legacy is great, and in more ways than one, it makes your University feel, truly, like home.

Bucknell University