All the worst people you’ll encounter in the dining hall

If you’re one of these, please stop

One of the most convenient things BU does is provide us with dining halls; a place where numerous prepared food items are ready to grab and eat. The entire dining hall experience is a wonderful privilege- but unfortunately, it brings out some people’s inner asshole.

The one who saves a spot in the omelet line for their entire friend group

On any given morning, especially a weekend, the omelet line can dramatically lengthen your breakfast experience. I’m usually too lazy or impatient to wait unless I absolutely need an omelet, but what really grinds my gears is when I decide to wait it out and a person in front of me lets their friends cut the line. A maneuver like that will slap on at least another 20 minutes between me and my omelet, and that just hurts.

The one who takes all of the pineapple from the fruit salad

Pineapple is a delicious fruit, and every person I’ve spoken to about the fruit selection has said it’s their favorite option. Therefore, it is super uncool when people use the giant spoon to individually scoop out each pineapple slice from the fruit salad, leaving un-ripe melon for the rest of us. I’m not gonna lie, I used to do this all the time, but people got really mad, so I stopped.

The one who moves like a turtle in the salad line

The salad line is another excursion that can get pretty lengthy, especially if someone takes their sweet time at each ingredient. The salad bar is a place to quickly grab a salad, not to spend 20 minutes hand crafting a gourmet meal. Please do not spend five minutes deciding what dressing you want.

The one who takes enough to feed a village and barely eats it

Excluding the rare occasion there are several appetizing options in the dining hall, you shouldn’t take an excessive amount of food that is unrealistic in terms of how much you will eat. Once you swipe in, you can go back for seconds and thirds, so it would be best to start out with the minimum amount of food you want and slowly get more from there. We are very lucky to have this food available to us, so it isn’t right to waste it.

The one who sits alone at a giant table while its busy 

Sometimes finding a seat in the dining hall can be difficult, especially if it’s during peak hours and you are with a big group. Something that really makes the seating situation worse is when one person sits at a large table that could have held a group of four or more. Most people are too shy or polite to ask the stranger if they would mind moving to a smaller table, so by doing this you’re being unfair.

The one who takes all of the chairs from another table to add on to their table

As I just mentioned, it can be difficult to find a seat if you are trying to eat with a big group, but it’s not logical to take all the chairs from a different table because that table then becomes useless. If you’re trying to eat with a huge group of people, maybe just go out to eat or try finding tables near each other.

The one who doesn’t clean up after themself

Cleaning up in the dining hall is incredibly easy for students. All there is to do is pile up the plates and napkins and place them on the conveyor belts. Yet, for some reason this is just too much to ask of some people, and they decide it’s okay to leave their plates and trash scattered across the table. This is probably the worst thing you can do in the dining hall. The dining hall staff is busy doing plenty of other things, so they really shouldn’t have to pick up after anyone.
