The guide to getting more Instagram followers


In an age where the number of likes on your Instagram photo is worth more than passing your classes, increasing your follower count seems to be the hardest thing in the whole world. It doesn’t seem like it should be that hard, when everyone from The Pope to the TSA has an Instagram.

So how do you get more followers? Random people have risen to stardom via Instagram, and now you can be one of them (examples from my own Instagram).

Post Frequently

You don’t have to post all the time, but maybe go for once a day, once every two days. If people like your photos, they want to see them often! People follow hundreds of accounts, so to make yours stand out in their feed, you need to have a presence.

I have 473 posts…that’s from every few days. Be better than me and post every day!


If you want random people to see your photos and like them and follow you, you need to tag them. This way the pics will show up in the Explore page, and people will click on them, etc, etc. HOWEVER! Don’t do too many. That’s annoying and kinda irrelevant. But if you want to over tag, just go back and delete the tags once you have some likes.

A very old Instagram post of mine…nice tags, Emma. Perfect example of terrible tagging

Follow similar accounts

If you post art, follow art accounts. If you are a fan account, follow other fans. If you post dogs, follow dog lovers. You get the picture. Like attracts like, and you’ll get followers!

Don’t be obnoxious

Save those things for the finsta, kids.

Have a theme

People are all about aesthetics. Whether it’s a certain kind of photo, a cool color scheme, a caption, people like when you’re consistent. So if that floats your boat, strive to make everything look good.

For a while I was all about the white boarder…whatever you do, be consistent!

Be dedicated

Love what you’re posting and it will show. If you love animals, post pics of them! If you love fitness, give fitness tips! If you love a band, show it in your posts! As long as you’re dedicated, people will love that you love what you do and they’ll follow you.

Bonus: include a dog

It’s not secret that everyone loves dogs. Include some (or another animal of your choice).

Just a candid pic of me and the cutest dog on the planet

Don’t become obsessed

Friendly reminder that you’re a living, breathing human being and not a machine. Get off that Insta sometimes and go outside (and maybe take some pics for later).

That being said, follow me on Instagram please: @jurassicpark_inson
