How to wear sneakers with literally any outfit


Sneakers aren’t just meant for the gym – you can seriously wear them with anything.

I promise.

The usual sneakers look

Lilian (CAS ’19) shows us how to wear sneakers with an actual sneaker-esque outfit – yogas, a sporty jacket, and a hat.

This is the type of outfit people think of when they hear “sneakers”, but keep reading.


Athleasure is the type of outfit you could wear to FitRec, but would also wear outside of FitRec without looking overly sporty or overly lazy. Almost any sneakers can be worn with athleasure, but solid pairs look extra sleek.

Amanda (Sargent ’19) is wearing a plain all-black outfit with a leather jacket and grey Nike free-runs.

Goin’ for the hipster look

Fiona (COM’19) shows us how to wear sneakers with a hipster-esque outfit. Her faux leather slip-ons add an edgy but still casual element to a classic ripped black jeans and leather jacket combo.

Slip-ons are cool because they don’t really look like sneakers but they totally are.


This is where it gets really good. You can literally wear sneakers with a full out crop top and not look weird.

Tati (Suffolk ’19) is wearing a crop top, jeans, and a long jacket with adidas superstars. As long as the rest of the outfit isn’t too dressy (don’t try wearing a clubbing dress with sneakers), these shoes are really cute for a night out.

So basically let’s all never wear heels again.

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