Chatting with a transfer student, one semester in

‘There’s a lot of hype about this Marathon Monday thing’

Imagine transferring from a school with a massive Greek system to a school where you have to apply to serve the community. We sat down with Matt Ellsworth, who came to BC last August from Indiana University, to talk clubs, social life, and adjusting to the mod-ruling school.

Why did you transfer and where did you transfer from?

I transferred from Indiana University. I basically transferred because I think it’s a better school and it’s much closer to home (Greenwich, CT). There are also smaller classes here, which I like more.

How was it going into BC in the fall? What was your favorite part?

It was easier for me, I think, because I know people from high school who are here. I think that if I didn’t know people from high school it would have been much more difficult. I had a really fun first semester. My favorite part of first semester was going out with my friends and getting to know them.

What was it like making friends here?

It would have been much more difficult if I didn’t know people from high school here. I don’t think the university necessarily does a good job with transfer students, especially because there isn’t Greek life. It’s like apples and oranges. At Indiana the Greek life gives you an immediate large group of friends in your fraternity because you’re all forced to be each others friends. Here you have to force yourself to get to know people. The two schools are really hard to compare because they’re different kinds of fun. I know more of the people here, which I really like.

At a friend’s band performance

Where do you live and how do you like your roommates?

I live in Stayer. My roommates are cool. They’re all really nice and we all get along well. They’re mostly transfers, but not all of them. Some are juniors who came back from abroad. My direct transferred from Bentley and we’re friendly.

What are you majoring in? Did it change from your previous school?

I’m majoring in Economics here and at Indiana I was majoring in Finance. I didn’t apply to be in the business school here, but in retrospect I probably should have since I have all of the prerequisites from being in the business school at Indiana. But it’s water under the bridge now. I’m happy.

What are you involved in on campus?

This semester I want to join the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program and I want to join a finance club this semester.  I played on an intramural flag football team and an intramural basketball team in the fall.

I am an intramural stud athlete.

What are you anticipating for the winter in Boston this year?

It’s just gonna be cold and snowy I guess. Maybe not as bad as last year. I hope it’s not as bad as last year. I’m not a meteorologist, but I live in Connecticut so I understand the climate.

As of right now, what is your favorite part/aspect of BC?

I really like the people here, both my close friends and all of the different kinds of people I’ve met. Everyone is really into having a conversation, which is cool.

What is the best class you’ve taken?

The Perspectives Class here is pretty interesting. It’s called Modernism and the Arts, Perspectives II, and it’s just learning about the culture and films of the late 1800s. Basically all the arts. I like it. My professor is cool and he makes something dry somewhat bearable.

What are you looking forward to, this semester specifically?

There’s a lot of hype about this Marathon Monday thing, so I’m pretty pumped for that. I want to meet some more people and get to know my way around Boston much better because there’s a lot to do.

With friend, Mariana Pantelidis, at Lower Live

What do you like about Boston?

We have our man dates on the weekends, but we don’t call them man dates. It’s just four dudes eating dinner in Boston together.

In closing, thanks for having me BC. My goals for next semester, have a filter.

Boston College