How to work out at BC without even trying (or hitting the Plex)

Those Million Dollar stairs will give you that million dollar butt

The new semester and the cold winter are upon us, and we may have made some resolutions at our New Year’s soirées that we know we can’t keep .

Some of us pledged to eat healthy or to stop binge-drinking, while others vowed that we would actually be successful at that one cliché resolution: to work out more.

The Plex was already intimidating before, and now it’s crowded with the others who want to stop wheezing on the walk to class.

Luckily, there are a million (dollar) ways to workout at BC without even hitting the gym.

The Million Dollar Stairs

Sometimes the Maloney elevator is a little too full and you don’t want to be pressed up against a stranger with bad breath in the early morning.

This is a great workout for your calves and builds character once you realize that you’re out of breath and nowhere near the top.

The Inevitable Stand on the Comm Ave/Newton Bus

The bus becomes the best place to work  your abs (or whatever is going on in that region). The sharp turns with a 60-pound backpack, or a body with a little too much “party” in it are great for the obliques. Also, don’t forget that the bus will be crowded – so the temperature will be that of a sauna. That really helps with clearing out the pores!

Moving around the chairs at Eagle’s during a lunch rush

Standing on the sandwich line for your girl Maria to make happiness on bread is a workout in and of itself, but once you pass those gates and cash registers into cafeteria freedom there is a problem: open tables with no chairs. Moving the chairs around and lifting them above stranger’s heads is a great arm workout that will give you some definition in those biceps. You might as well get chairs for everyone in Eagle’s.

Alternatively, go to Lower for all food-related needs

Need a granola bar between classes? Go to Lower. Not only do you hit some killer stairs but there’s so much general movement going on that you’ll have burned off that granola bar before you even get there. Don’t go to Mac or the Rat, that’s too close to get in the 10,000 steps you promised your FitBit.

Running across the quad on your back-to-back class days

The academic buildings at BC are fairly close together, which makes getting to class on time pretty easy…except when your professor lets you out five minutes late. The run to class replaces a cardio workout, and dodging the other walking students is basically a real-life version of Mario Kart.

 Visiting your friends on CoRo or Upper 

Climbing to the top of the stairs to Upper after coming all the way from lunch at Lower is like the scene from Rocky: you may throw your arms in the air when you make it.

That is, until you remember that your friend lives on the top floor of her building and the climb is not over.

Just sing “The Climb” by Miley in your head and know that your legs are going to look incredible if you ever decide to make the trek again. Forget the StairMaster, BC’s campus is the only workout that you need.

Go the extra mile and visit your friends on Newton

What’s even farther than Lower to CLFX? The Plex to Newton. Run, Eagles, run!

Wear your Thursday night booties to class 

Never skip leg day again. Standing on your tip-toes is like a long-term calf-raise. You’ve got the three F’s going: fashion, function, and fitness. Wearing heels to class is just a part of the BC uniform, so on that front, this won’t even be weird.

Guys, don’t skip leg day.

Boston College