How to rally after a day of dartying

Calling Alabama freshmen and all other rookies

Second semester and warm weather means one thing for Alabama students: “dartying” season is alive and well as the cold winter weather finally starts to die down. Crawfish, dizzy bat, blaring music and glorious amounts of beer manifest themselves into a typical spring weekend at Alabama.

Although these things seem to be the perfect ingredients for a laid-back Saturday, what happens that night when it’s time to do it all over again?

Rallying to go back out Saturday night is easier said than done when its 2pm and you’re the undefeated champ in your 5th game of beer pong. Here are a few tips to take back the energy that day-drinking claimed.

The power nap

It’s a fact that power napping makes you smarter. But it is an unwritten fact among college students that taking a quick 15-minute snooze helps bring back energy levels. Try not to sleep for longer than 20 minutes, though, to avoid waking up groggy.

Keep drinking (if you aren’t napping)

Napping and continuing to drink go hand in hand. If sleep isn’t calling your name, then the half empty bottle of Jack Daniels you forgot about from earlier should be.

Maintaining a continuous buzz is one of the easiest ways to avoid the tiring effects of a hangover that become inevitable once the alcohol wears off. Not taking a break from drinking also means you won’t have to muster up the energy to revive yourself later because you’ll already have it.

Feed yourself

Put that Spring Break diet on hold until tomorrow, because when it comes filling your stomach, carbs are your best friend. Pizza, pasta, bread of any kind and Messy Fries from Quick Grill are foods you’re going to want to get your hands on. Carbs help soak up alcohol, so save the regret for tomorrow.

And to avoid the “how did I get drunk so quickly?” thought, eat before you day drink. Just like nothing good happens late at night, nothing good comes from drinking on an empty stomach. Keep this in mind and you’ll be golden.


And no, shotgunning doesn’t count as proper hydration. By hydrate, I mean drink as much water as your body can absorb. Drinking enough H2O is easily ignored when you’re drinking all other types of liquids throughout the day.

Water will not only aid in avoiding a hangover, but it will make you less tired as well.


If you’re a studious individual who spends late nights slaving away in the library – or if you’re just not a morning person – then you already know the wonderful benefits of caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant (duh). Stimulants enhance alertness, wakefulness and increase the likelihood you’ll rally when consumed.

If you aren’t a coffee person, no worries. Get your fix from soda, 5-hour Energy or caffeine pills.

Darty responsibly!

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