Should I change your major? How to know when to call it quits

Hating your classes?

college college student

You've finally started taking classes in your chosen major and surprise! You hate them. You've started wondering, "should I change my major?" There's a ton of things to consider before you start filling out the paperwork to change majors. Here's a few things to keep in mind before totally freaking out about how your course-load could change.

Why did you pick this major?

You went with this major so there was something about it that interested you. The first round of classes for your major can feel a lot like the core classes you had to take as a freshman all over again. Do the classes you'll be taking as an upperclassman sound more exciting? You might just need to suffer through the required stuff before getting into the juicier seminars.

Any other majors you're looking at?

You can't just be dissatisfied with your major and not have a gameplan. Do some research into the other options you're considering. Look into getting a double-major or minor if there's parts of your program you like, but feel like you're still missing something. The course catalogue is your best friend because you can usually find the requirements for each major by department. Check out the classes offered so you know if you'd want to sit through them for the next few years.

Your advisor has real knowledge about the course catalogue and the department you're currently majoring in. Talk to him or her about the reasons why you're struggling. Ideally you'll get some guidance about your school's programs and hopefully help plan your next move.

Are you ready to take more classes?

Depending on what year you are, changing majors could severly change your courseload going forward. If you want to graduate on time, this might mean taking extra classes for a couple of semesters or picking up a few courses over the summer. Make sure you check out how many credits you currently have and if any of them can be applied to that new major you're eyeing.

Do you have any idea what you want to do post-grad?

Tons of people pick their majors based on what they want to do after graduation. It's a smart move, but if you don't think this major is going to get you closer to your dream job, then those probably aren't the classes you need to be in. The classes you take within your major should prepare you for post-grad life as well as give you direction towards the specific internships and jobs you should be looking at.