Why we formed a ‘pussy formation’ outside Trump Tower this morning

‘We have to draw attention to the absolute danger that is Trump’

Holding placards reading “pussies in formation” and “pussy grabs back,” an 80-strong group of women took to Trump Tower today for a surprise protest against Donald Trump’s infamous condoning of sexual harassment.

The all-female multiracial group voiced their concerns about Donald Trump when they met a couple of weeks ago. But it was just two days ago that they got together to plan this morning’s protest outside Trump Tower in New York City. Calling it a “sneak attack,” they kept their plans away from social media in order to cause a surprise.

Agunda Okeyo, one of the women who took part in today’s “pussy formation” explained how she felt the need to step in and do something after feeling deeply offended and frustrated by Donald Trump. The 34-year-old said: “He is a front to every aspect of me as a human. I’m a proud immigrant, I’m a black woman and Trump literally makes my blood boil.

“We have to draw attention to the absolute danger that is Donald Trump, so we did this.”

Talking more about the specifics of the protest, 33-year-old Nadya Stevens said: “There were about 10 cops already in the area when we arrived but they were really respectful of our views, all they had to do was keep us off the sidewalk.

“We arrived a few blocks away at around 7.30am so we could march, screaming, to Trump Tower where we were for the next few hours.

“This was really effective – a load of women started joining our group just from the streets. In fact, one woman came after watching Channel 4 news. She actually happened to be the sister of one of the Central Park Five and she ran all the way from her couch to stand with us.”

The group got wind of similar events happening in California and the South, but they were the first to stage a protest. In light of this, both Nadya and Agunda explained the possibility of a larger scale event with a national scope.

“People are really pissed – I’m only just getting started.”