Trump’s ‘Second Amendment people’ comments show just how dangerous he is

He’s reckless and he doesn’t understand the Constitution

Another day, another Trump controversy.

Today at a rally in Wilmington, NC, Trump said: “Hillary Clinton wants to essentially abolish the second amendment. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” he quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

First of all, Clinton may be far more liberal on her gun law stances than she is on other issues, but by no means does she “want to abolish the Second Amendment”. She wants to expand background checks, close loopholes, and keep guns out of the hands of those who should not be in possession of them. That is very reasonable and necessary to me, coming from someone who is pro-Second Amendment.

I will admit her claim that the gun industry is “the only business in America that is wholly protected from any kind of liability” is not only untrue, her pursuit to see that gun manufacturers can be held responsible for the actions of third-parties is dangerous and illogical (if a gun is legal to sell, and the customer passes all background checks, there is no reason to hold the gun manufacturer liable). But that still, is far from maliciously planning to take away the people’s right to self-protect and to defend against tyranny.

If Donald Trump really is suggesting killing Clinton and/or her Supreme Court picks as the only way to protect our Second Amendment rights (which I would not put past him), we should be really, really scared.

However, what Donald Trump is more likely suggesting is if she were to try abolishing the Second Amendment, that is what our Second Amendment is made to stop. But abolishing it is not up to Clinton, nor is up to the Supreme Court justices. There are a number of processes that can be taken to repeal or add an amendment to the Constitution, but none of them include the President and Supreme Court justices deciding that for themselves. If our country were to abolish it (which I would advocate against), it would only be done so democratically through the states.

So this shows that Trump (if we did not already know), one, does not understand our constitution, and two, is reckless with how he expresses his thoughts. Both of which have the great potential to be extremely dangerous.

Clinton is not the ideal choice by any means, in my opinion, but at least she does not incite hatred, violence, and chaos. And that might be all one can ask for in this election.