Why I love wearing bras
I literally feel invincible with a bra on
In this beautiful time of feminist revolutions and manifestos, many girls are looking to disregard every societal standard we ladies are being held to, one of which being the daily expectation to cover our breasts. It’s a tradition that dates back to the 14th century. However bra bearing is nothing like it used to be.
Why get rid of the one thing that has literally been there for you everyday since middle school? Why get rid of the thing that works everyday to make you a more rounded person? Why burn an old friend?
Nowadays, a good bra could change your life. It can change you so much that it becomes a part of you. It’s quite literally the foundation of an outfit and even your day. Even on my laziest days, I feel like I’ve accomplished something if I just shape up. I feel like I’ve really put myself together and can take on anything.
I look at bra wearing as less of an oppressive notion and more of an empowering decision. It’s my little pretty lady armor.
I understand that the Free the Nipple campaign pertains more to the stigma of the female nipple more than the actually releasing of the nipple, but I’ve got to say that I quite like where mine are placed and protected at the moment. I literally feel invincible with a bra on. Everything is in place, it’s not going anywhere, and it’s even a little of protection. I can take on anything once those bad boys are strapped in.
I also understand that the argument against wearing bras relates back to a woman’s choice in doing so, as to say that it shouldn’t be an expectation. And I agree. It’s your body and you should have the choice to contain them or let them free. I’d just like to point out that containing it’s not too bad of an option.
As a girl with small boobs, I have to admit that my bra does a little more than hold me up. It helps me out. Can’t lie. We all know it. And we all love it. Bras make any pair of boobs look beautiful, perfect, and pretty. They’re flattering. We are way past the days of unattractive nasty bras in a dirty nude shade and a slightly cone like shape. Now they’re lacey, sparkly, or silky and there is a style for each perfect little set, or big set, it doesn’t matter. There is a bra for everyone.
Don’t get me wrong, I love some tasteful side boob and open back anything, and to that I say please let the ladies fly. I’m just saying that we don’t need to burn our besties.
When you think about it this way, your bras are the closest support system you will ever have. Get to know it. Get to love it. Your bra is there for you. It supports you and it shapes you, so don’t just disregard all that it has done for you.