I’ve been a camp counselor for six years and it’s the most rewarding job I’ve ever had

I’ll always come back for the kids

Every summer since sixth-grade I have been going to Stone Ridge Summer camp. I’d gather with my camp friends, pick classes and activities with them, and create a summer filled with laughs, memories, and a lot of shaving cream fights. When I was able to become a camp counselor, I jumped at the opportunity and I’ve been there ever since. For six years, I’ve continued to come back.

Every counselor comes back to camp for different reasons: memories, friends, or the fun activities. For me, I come back for the kids. I come back to see the look on their face when I they notice I remember their names. I come back to see how they’ve changed. I come back because I know what an impact I have on their summers. 

One of my favorite memories  is when I got to work with the four-year-old campers. We were sitting and watching a play, and like monkeys, they climbed all over me, calling me “Miss Maggie.” I just remember how great it was to see them smile and giggle and just enjoy camp. One of the four-year-old’s moms came up to me one day and told me that her daughter Sofia could not stop talking about how great of a counselor I was. She handed me a piece of paper and asked for my number so that I could come over and babysit Sofia. It was at that moment that it felt really rewarding to be a counselor.

There are memorable moments that come to mind when I think about my experiences as a counselor such as participating with the campers and counselors on the giant slip n’ slide coated in shaving cream, exploding soda on the front lawn, playing on the playground, and laughing as a crowd of little kids chased me.

Not only is it the kids that bring me back, but it is the camp itself. Stone Ridge Summer Camp is so unique and special, that it makes coming back every summer worth it.

From making candy sushi, to doing crazy science experiments, to playing water polo, we get to do the most random projects that always makes me want to come back. Overall, the counselors are a blast to work with just as the kids.

I come back because I want more memories like that with Sofia. I want more memories of the kids laughing at what wacky outfits we wear for Wacky Wednesday. The kids’ reactions when the counselors are jumping in the pool with their clothes on is what makes me feel like I’m doing something great.

As a counselor, my job is to make the kids laugh, be a little weird, have fun, and make sure everyone else is having fun too. Because isn’t that the point at camp? To make summer wonderful. So that’s why I keep coming back. Not only do I make a difference in the children’s lives, but I get to feel like a kid again.